Saturday 31 August 2013

Book Blitz ~ Promo & Giveaway ~ Conversion by S C Stephens

Conversion by S C Stephens will be available on 3rd September

Book Description:

 Emma is happy. She's got a promising career in front of her, great friends, and a pretty amazing family. But her social life has been a little lacking lately. That's when fate stepped in, and crashed her into a tall, dark and handsome man. Sure, he has his secrets...don't we all, and, yeah, maybe his secrets are a little more unusual than most - like he's a partial vampire who can walk around during the day, but also enjoys a little plasma nightcap now and again - but to Emma, he's single, successful, and an extraordinary gentleman. That makes up for a lot. Of course, his condition is a bit more serious than he first lets on, and living a life with him will require some sacrifices that most just aren't willing to make. Will she? Is love enough to compensate for a life that will never be anywhere near the realm of normalcy? But then again...what's normal anyway?

Buy Links:
About The Author:
S.C. Stephens is a bestselling author who enjoys spending every free moment she has creating stories that are packed with emotion and heavy on romance.

Her debut novel, Thoughtless, an angst-filled love triangle charged with insurmountable passion and the unforgettable Kellan Kyle, took the literary world by storm. Amazed and surprised by the response to the release of Thoughtless in 2009, more stories were quick to follow. Stephens has been writing nonstop ever since.

In addition to writing, Stephens enjoys spending lazy afternoons in the sun reading fabulous novels, loading up her iPod with writer's block reducing music, heading out to the movies, and spending quality time with her friends and family. She currently resides in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her two equally beautiful children.

Connect with the Author: Facebook | Twitter | Blog | Goodreads
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Open Internationally!
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Friday 30 August 2013

Kahlen Aymes City Contest winner & Kindle Fire Giveaway News!

Do you remember Kahlen Aymes' held a City Contest a while ago? All you had to do is post a comment on one of the participating blogs saying why you thought she should visit your city. Each blog then had to pick just one entry to submit to Kahlen, who would then pick one of those as the winner.
The Romance Cover picked this entry from Erika Sterns as our submission:
Home killeen, Texas!!! Home of Fort Hood, the largest military base in the U.S. not only do I think I'm your biggest fan, but there are so many wonderful people here you could meet! Many of the ones here have loved ones overseas and are staying strong. We have people deploying all the time but there are still many here also. Reading is something we all use to take our minds off of a stressful situation. There is nothing more stressful than putting your life on the line for a worthy cause!! I am a veteran who stayed here after I got out. There are many disabled veterans here like myself! Thank you so much for the chance!! Xoxo
We would like to say a big congratulations to Erika as she was picked by Kahlen as the winner! Kahlen will be going to meet Erika in January 2014!
But that's not all! Part of the contest was that the blog who submitted the winning entry would be given a Kindle Fire to giveaway on their blog! So courtesy of Kahlen Aymes, from September 1st, running for 10 days we will have a giveaway to win a Kindle Fire & a signed set of Kahlen's Remembrance Trilogy!
Thank you to Kahlen Aymes for providing The Romance Cover with this amazing giveaway!

Did some-one say sale?

A couple of our favourite books are on sale right now to celebrate Labour Day!

You really don't want to miss these!

Disastrous & Cautious by E L Montes
Barnes & Noble:
More Than This by Jay McLean


Excerpt and Signed Paperbacks:

There is No Light In Darkness & Darkness Before Dawn by Claire Contreras
Barnes & Noble:

Blog Tour ~ Review & Giveaway ~ Feel the Rush by Kelsie Leverich

Book Description: 

The New York Times bestselling author of The Valentine’s Arrangement continues her sizzling series with a new novel of a plan that goes awry—in the arms of a soldier…

Picking the wrong men is a talent Meagan Mitchell has perfected. She’s sweet, confident, beautiful—and single. With her thirtieth birthday sneaking up on her, she needs a new plan. No more Mr. Wrongs or Mr. Bads, it’s time to find Mr. Safe…

Army Captain, Reed Porter, lives for the thrill—he’s an Airborne Jumpmaster with a rush addiction. He’s sexy and playful, and he quickly tempts Meagan with his rich Southern drawl and sinful looks. But slowing down and settling down are not in his agenda, making him exactly the type of man Meagan wants to avoid…

As their undeniable attraction heats up, Meagan has to decide if she’s willing to risk everything on a chance at love with a reckless charmer. Is she brave enough to bet her future—and her heart—on Mr. Thrill? Or will Reed finally learn that the feeling of a safe landing is just as addicting as the rush of the fall?


Reed was sitting outside on the back deck with his brother-in-law when Meagan finally came out. She had spent a good twenty minutes up in her room, and Reed knew it was because he had crossed the line.

“Hey,” she said sweetly. Dammit, that soft, sweet side of her was becoming the hardest one to resist.

Reed stood up and gently grabbed onto her elbow, leading her to the far side of the deck next to the pool and away from Conner. She didn’t protest or jerk away from his grasp, she just followed him. He turned around to face her, placing both hands on her arms just below her shoulders. “I’m sorry for being a prick.”

“You’re not a prick, Reed. Maybe an idiot, but not a prick.”

“I shouldn’t have walked away from you.”

“You were mad, I get it.”

“You’re right, I was.” He searched her face, looking for anything that gave her away, but she wasn’t giving in. Her eyes stayed on his, focused and soft, but there was nothing in them that told him anything.

His hand moved to the side of her neck, brushing back the stands of hair that were loose from her ponytail. She gently inhaled a breath. It wasn’t intentional, and it wasn’t exaggerated, but he noticed it nonetheless. Her body had never been able to hide the way it felt from him, even though her eyes were perfectly capable of doing so.

She smiled up at him, the glint in her eyes, the little hint of mischief that he fucking loved, made an appearance, and it eased him in a way he didn’t know was possible.

“Friends?” she asked, with a little too much smirk for his liking.

He cocked an eyebrow at her and frowned. He felt a little trapped by this question, feeling like it was a doubled-edged sword, but also feeling like she needed to hear the words. She needed confirmation, and he wanted to give it to her—for no other reason but to give her a little ease and a little control, because he knew she wanted it.


“Good,” she said. Her feet rolled up onto her toes. “I was hoping you would say that.”

Reed couldn’t help but smile. That one little word changed her entire demeanor, and her ease was contagious. “Yeah, and why is that?”

A roguish gleam took over her big, round eyes. “Because only a friend could get away with doing this.” She thrust her palms against his side, and in that spilt second, realization struck, and Reed knew he was going in the pool—but in that same split second of realization, his hand wrapped around her wrist. If he was going in, she sure as hell was going in with him.  

Our Review: 

**ARC received for an honest review**

Reviewed by Donna ~ 3.5 Stars

“…the things that scare us the most, are the things that give us the biggest rush,”

This is the second military book that Kelsie Leverich has released, the first one being The Valentine’s Arrangement. In this book it is Reed Porter and Meagan Mitchell’s story. I have noticed that there was some similarity to The Valentine’s Arrangement in the fact that Meagan was a lover scorned so this may be a theme running through the series but this story still held it’s own.

Meagan’s life was being controlled by her biological clock, tick, tock, tick, tock, she was approaching 30 and her 5 year plan that she had given herself when she was 25 was nowhere near being fulfilled. She wanted to settle down, be married and have a family. Her track record in love was not good, she had been with her childhood sweetheart for years and was painfully burned. Since then she has never been able to love again and has had a few short term acquaintances but never found or trusted another man that would make her feel safe. She blamed this on her always going for the “wrong guys” and she now needed to find herself a “Mr Safe”. Her best friend moves away when she gets drafted and so Meagan decides to go with her. When they arrive at their new apartment Meagan’s cat makes a bolt for it and ends stuck up a tree, a knight in shining armour comes to her rescue and she is shocked when she realises that this is the same guy that she had a one night stand with 8 years ago, the worst bit, is that he doesn’t remember her!!

I loved Reed in this book. He was your typical adrenaline junkie, he always wanted to live life to the full and “Feel The Rush” he was in no rush to settle down. He loved his life in the army, he trained other soldiers and he did all sorts of wild and crazy activities on his days off to get the buzz that he so eagerly craved. One night as he was coming back to his apartment, he helped a damsel in distress retrieving her cat from up and tree and from then on his life would never be the same.

“It’s why I do everything. If it doesn’t make you hold your breath and shut your eyes the minute before you do it, then it’s not worth doing.”

Both Reed and Meagan had their problems and so you knew that this was never going to be a smooth and easy ride, Meagan had her “Mr Safe” issues and she knew that Reed did not fit this category, but would she give him the benefit of the doubt, or even let him prove to her that if he had met the right person that he could be her “Mr Safe”?

Kelsie certainly takes you on an emotional journey with these two, sometimes I was annoyed as I just thought that she couldn’t see the wood for the trees, but if it was an instalust then it would have been incredibly boring and their story would not have been told, so the angst and emotional drama was welcomed.

I will say the humour in this book had me in stitches!! I can’t for Brewer’s story if he gets one, if not he needs one!! He is stuck in a hospital bed and him and Reed are trying to win the chat up line war on Meagan, I couldn’t resist putting this quote in!!

“My beautiful nurse Meagan, can I use your phone?”

Meagan reached for her purse and pulled out her phone. “Um sure.”

“Thanks. My mom told me to call her when I found the woman of my dreams.”

She snatched the phone back out his hand and rolled her eyes. Reed reached around Meagan and fist-bumped Brewer. Seriously? Did grown men actually still do that?

My only reason for a 3.5 was that I actually struggled to read this one, I don’t know why, I loved the story and the characters but it just didn’t hold my full attention like a book normally does. I think that for the length of the book, not a lot really happened and for that reason it felt like it dragged in places. As I say, that is just my opinion, it may not be the same for everyone else.

"Baby, I've never felt a better rush than the one I felt falling in love with you."

I loved the epilogue (I am a sucker for a good epilogue), I love it when a story is completely told in one sitting, you saw their story till the end and I was extremely happy it ended the way it did. I can’t wait to see what Kelsie has in store next in this series.

Buy Links:
Barnes & Noble:

About the Author: 

Kelsie Leverich lives in Indiana with her husband and two adorable monsters that are better known as her kids. Her life revolves around her family (to include two dogs and a cat) and most of the time, actually all of the time, it’s a crazy mess—but that’s the way she loves it! When Kelsie’s not writing, you can usually find her on the lake with friends and family or snuggling on the couch with her kids and a good book. Kelsie is not a morning person, has a soft spot for animals, loves musicals, hates seafood, and thinks laundry is the source of all evil. You can find Kelsie on Twitter and Facebook, or visit her website at

Author Links:
Kelsie Leverich Goodreads Author Page:
Like Kelsie on Facebook:
Follow Kelsie on Twitter: 

Tour Wide Giveaway!

Friday Frights ~ Review of Bad Mouth by Angela McCallister

Friday Frights! Paranormal Romance Reviews

Reviewed by Shirley ~ 4.5 Stars

Bad Mouth is a fabulous book about humans and vampires having to work together to solve an outbreak of horrific murders, humans being turned into rogue vampires and a terrific romance.

This book I could not put down and I had to read on one sitting. The two main characters are Val and Kade.

You have Val with an ingrained distrust of everything vampire because of her ex-husband Will and on the other side you have Kade whose hatred for all humans stems from a cruel childhood going into acts that he has to do to this day. Cruel, cruel, cruel. Not an auspicious alliance you might say but that is nothing to the shock that these two got when they first meet. What with Kade’s mind set that the liaison officers of the VLO were either mousy or butch but instead there stands in front of him this petite, very curvy blonde.

“Who actually affects his nether regions, this knee jerking reaction was as welcome as his own beheading.”

Ha ha ha!

As to Val, there was this wickedly handsome, rugged and sexy man giving her sensual feelings she thought were long dead, another knee jerk reaction you might say OMG!!

The chemistry is there you might say but with a few bumps in the road this is not an easy journey for either of them. The investigation gets complicated but it also draws them closer and you can’t get much closer than in the back of Kade’s car!! Steamy windows!!

“I need this right now” he whispers against Val’s lips”

And this is just the start! Yeah…bring it on! With interesting and surprising people coming in and helping Val and Kade, eye openers for Val which changes her thinking on vampires and Kade being blind sided with this little blonde who is sex on legs, unafraid of him, giving him sarcastic remarks, hell!

With regards to the bedroom scene, phew!!

In front of Val was this incredible, sexy, naked Greek God.

“Please Oh Please Kade” the suction at her neck strumming her core.

“Kade” she screamed, “Mine” he whispered in her ear. She turns her head “Mine” she says into his lips.


Hey can I find a man like this, hot hot hot!!

This is really a must read, Angela you have done yourself proud and I really love the remarks that comes out of Kade’s mouth. I think a bit of your Navy comes in here though saucy Matelots I can just hear them ha ha ha! I hope that this is not the end of these two, I hope to hear more of their exploits.

Friday Frights will return in two weeks.

Thursday 29 August 2013

Release Day ~ Review, excerpt & Giveaway ~ Temporary Bliss by BJ Harvey @bjharveyauthor

Temporary Bliss is book 1 in BJ Harvey's new Erotic Romance Series. It is out today and we have our review, an excerpt and a giveaway!

Book Description:
Makenna Lewis cringes at any mention of the word commitment. She doesn’t want or need a relationship, but she does like sex (who doesn't).

That explains Noah, Sean, and Zander, her three 'friends with benefits'.

They know the score, they know they're not the only one, and each of them provide her with a different physical need that she craves and enjoys.

Until a late night encounter with the delicious Daniel Winters turns her preconceived notion of no-commitment completely on its head.

Soon she finds herself feeling things she vowed never to feel again, and when Daniel pushes for more than she’s willing to give, she falters.

What do you do when something that you’ve known to be so wrong in the past feels so damn right?

If you’re Mac, you run and hide.

But is Daniel the type of man who takes no for an answer?

We reach the park about fifteen minutes later, our progress hindered by my sky high boots that my feet are now complaining to me about...a lot! Pier Park closed early for the night, scuttling our plans to take a few rides on the Ferris wheel. “Are your feet sore? Do you want to just take a slow walk around the pier?”

“Sounds good, but I’m gonna take these torture devices off my feet,” I say as I find a park bench and sit down, bending over to pull them off.

“Let me.”

He gets down on one knee and holds my ankle, unzipping the boots and sliding the first one off. He then starts rubbing his hands into my feet, kneading them firmly. I can’t stifle the moan that escapes me as I lean back against the bench and enjoy the blissful foot rub I’m currently being given.

“That feels so good,” I groan as he continues his massage. He then turns his attention to my other foot, his touch on my skin so light, yet his heat burns through me in a direct line to my now aching core. This is the most drawn out foreplay I’ve ever experienced, and I almost don’t want it to end.

Once he’s finished, he stands back on his feet, my super pretty boots in one hand while he pulls me up with the other. “Better?” he asks, kissing my temple.

“Much. You better watch out, though. I might have to keep you stashed in the corner of my bedroom as my personal foot massage slave,” I say with a laugh.

His eyes grow dark, full of hunger and desire. “You wouldn’t have to force me to stay in your bedroom, Mac.”

“The idea of it makes me hot,” I reply with a wink.
Our Review:
**ARC Received for honest review**
Reviewed by Donna ~ 4 Stars

I’ve been single and happy for the past four years; happily sexed up and fulfilled for the past eighteen months with three of the most accommodating and laid back guys I’ve ever met. What’s to complain about?”

Temporary Bliss is the first book in a new series by BJ Harvey, this is the “Bliss Series” and this story belongs to one hell of a sassy chick Makenna Lewis.

Makenna fell in love whilst at school, he hit a rough patch and moved away to get a job with family and took Makenna with him, he soon changed and Makenna found herself stuck in an abusive relationship. With no money and no friends of her own she found it hard to escape, but she did eventually. She went back home to Chicago to be with her friends and soon had herself settled with a flatmate and a job. The lasting effect of her first time love was the lack of trust to love again, so Makenna found herself with 3 friends with benefits. You had Mr Dom, Mr Stripper and Mr Doctor a.k.a “The Walking Dildo.” All three knew of the others existence and the situation suited them all, each “friend” gave her something different, something that she needed. She was always safe and it was easy, it was no strings, no chance of her ever being hurt again. Makenna was a great character after she got back home, she was fun loving, she was sassy, she told it how it is, she was confident she was just so loveable. I loved this girl!!

Her carefully laid plans for her love life are put to the test when she has a chance encounter on the “L” train with a stranger, she drops her phone and as she is frantically trying to grab it as it slides down the carriage she comes to the feet of said stranger who has stopped her phones progression. She looks up…and WOW! There is an instant connection, the chemistry is oozing off the page and it is not just one sided!! Enter, Daniel Winters – Mr Stockbroker!

“I’m in so deep, I’ll take you however I can have you.”

This book follows Makenna and Daniel’s story. Makenna needs to learn to trust and love, she has been hurt badly and she feels extremely vulnerable. Daniel is the epitome of the perfect man, once Makenna really opens up, he knows what she needs, he is there for her, he gives it to her, it is just up to her to open her eyes and also her heart, will she be able to do it? There are always ups and downs, miscommunications etc etc but this is one story that you will be rooting for them. I did get frustrated with Makenna at times, but I had to take a step back and realise that she had been hurt and she was trying to protect herself. You will need to read to see what happens but it is a lovely story.

“Gorgeous, you have finally caught up. We just made love, except this time you were totally there with me.”

I had a lot of fun reading this book, it is hilarious in places and BJ Harvey’s sense of humour is prevalent throughout the book, I could not put it down! I connected with all the characters, even the side ones and I feel that each one may get their own book throughout this series. For a light, fun, sexy and HOT!! read, this is the book for you. I can’t wait to see what happens in the next in the series, Makenna’s BFF Kate is up next!! I hope Mr Dom, Mr Stripper and Mr Walking Dildo get their own books too!
Buy Links:
Amazon - to follow
About The Author:
 I’m 31 years old and live in New Zealand, the most beautiful country in the world.

I love reading, and started writing my first novel, Lost in Distraction in December 2012. Before that I’d written business and website articles professionally but never fiction. I love the indie community, authors, bloggers and readers alike and have met so many awesome people that I now call dear friends.

I’m a huge music lover as well. I REALLY love music. If there isn't music playing, something is wrong. And it’s a wide range of music too, I might surprise you with my eclectic tastes.

I'm also a wife, mother of two gorgeous girls and currently working for myself as well as studying full time to become an accountant of all things. I also have a Bachelor of Communications.

My author inspirations are: Michelle Leighton, Barbara Elsborg and Kristen Ashley.

Author Links:
Amazon Author Page:
GR Author Profile:
Win an ebook of Temporary Bliss 

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Blog Tour ~ Review & Giveaway ~ Fueled (Driven 2) by K Bromberg

Book description: 

What happens when the one person you never expected suddenly happens to be the one you’ll fight the hardest to keep?

Colton stole my heart. He wasn't supposed to, and I sure as hell didn't want him to, but he crashed into my life, ignited feelings within me that I thought had died forever, and fueled a passion that I never knew could exist.

Rylee fell out of that damn storage closet and into my life. Now I don't think I'll ever be the same. She's seen glimpses of the darkness within me, and yet she's still here. Still fighting for me. She is without a doubt the saint, and I am most definitely the sinner.

How is it the one thing neither of us wanted—neither of us anticipated that fateful night—has us fighting so hard to keep?

He steals my breath, stops my heart, and brings me back to life again all in a split second of time. But how can I love a man who won't let me in? Who continually pushes me away to prevent me from seeing the damaged secrets in his past? My heart has fallen, but patience and forgiveness can only go so far.

How can I desire a woman who unnerves me, defies me, and forces me to see that in the deep, black abyss of my soul there's someone worthy of her love? A place and person I swore I'd never be again. Her selfless heart and sexy body deserve so much more than I'll ever be capable of giving her. I know I can't be what she needs, so why can't I just let her go?

We are driven by need and fueled with desire, but is that enough for us to crash into love?

Find it on Goodreads:

Our Review: 

**ARC Received for honest review**

Reviewed by Donna ~ 5 emotional and amazeballs stars!!  

“Spiderman. Batman. Superman. Ironman.”

K Bromberg has ruined super heroes for me now. I am never, ever going be able to watch these films or cartoons with my kids again without thinking about Colton Donavan. By the way “I race you Colton Donavan.” I loved him in Driven and I absolutely adore him now….not so much the author, after what she has just put me through!! (she knows I am kidding!!) Seriously though, this book is emotional, very very emotional, I have cried at books before, but this book sent me over the edge so many times. I was convinced I was all cried out and then I would sit back and reflect and the tears would fall all over again.

This book starts with a Prologue that just pulls you in and it is one that starts that emotional rollercoaster from the very beginning, you remember how Driven finished?? Colton chucking Rylee out after saying some very hateful words, well this prologue is recounting the dream that Colton had, that led up to those events and they are not pretty and from Colton’s POV.

“She pushes me.

Unmans me.

Consumes me.

Scares the ever loving shit out of me.”

Colton is scared and extremely frightened, the feelings that he has for Rylee are exceptionally alien to him, it has been drilled into him from a young age that only his mother can “love him”, he associates love as a bad thing, in fact a very bad thing and it is something that he feels is a poison to those on the giving and receiving end. This is why he has his “agreements”, if love isn’t involved, there cannot be any poison, he will be safe. As his back story is told through this book it is truly heart breaking, his mother (well a very loose term for such an evil piece of shit), I just wanted to teleport into the kindle and murder her with my bare hands, yes she is THAT BAD!!!

“Good little boys don’t cry if they love their mommies.”

It goes a long way in explaining why Colton is the way he is. I thank the lord that he managed to get away and stumble onto the Westin’s doorstep at the ripe old age of 8, what that child had gone through beggars belief and you cannot help but be moved and emotionally invested. Your heart breaks for him, especially if you are a mother, in fact I bet even if you are the most cold hearted of people, his story will touch you in places you never knew existed.

This book is written in dual POV’s which I love, we get to see both Rylee and Colton’s thoughts and feelings. Colton is his usually dominating, alpha self, humorous as ever but as explained above, we see his emotional side, vulnerable side and he really evolves in this book. Whether he wanted to or not Rylee has irrevocably changed him and despite his thinking that he can revert to his old ways when the going gets his tough, he is appalled when he realises that he cannot go back.

She must have a voodoo pussy or something. Reeling me up and snagging me in her hooks without realizing it.”

“You know, a couple of months ago, I might have answered you differently. But since you fell out of the damn storage closet, nothing has been the same.” He pauses momentarily as he struggles to find his next words, his fingertip trailing down the bare line of my spine. “No one’s mattered before. Ever. But you? F**k, somehow you changed that. You matter.”

Rylee is her usual selfless self in this book, she still has her own issues to contend with as well as Colton’s. It is difficult for her in this book and I did really feel for her at times. I also wanted to slap her so bad in parts, for someone so in the know with regards to broken souls I thought that she could have handled certain things differently, I just wanted to go up to her and say “communicate” for god’s sake “communicate.” I understood her reasoning, she wanted to protect herself, but she was putting herself through needless pain and suffering as well as my poor Colton…yes he is mine so hands off y’all!! She has major insecurity issues in this book, Colton is always surrounded by a bevvy of beauties and she finds it hard to see why Colton wants and needs her. Colton really shines here and always manages to say the right things at the right time. For someone who doesn’t do relationships, he is beginning to learn.

“I want you to see what I see. I want you to see how sexy and desirable and f**king hot you are”, he whispers against the bare skin of my shoulder. “I want you to see what you do to me. How you – in this body that is beautiful inside and out – cause me to come undone. Can unravel me”… “Can reduce me to nothing and build me up all at the same time.”…

I highlighted the hell out of this book, there is so much I could add but I don’t want to spoil it for you all. This is a book about their relationship, there are lots of ups and downs, misunderstandings, extremely hot sex but is a journey of discovery for both of them. It is beautiful, it is ugly, it will make you laugh, it will make you cry but it is honest. It is beautifully written, extremely addictive, I could not put it down. I can’t put into words how much I enjoyed this book, although I was emotionally spent by the end, I loved it, I savoured it and I will definitely be reading it again.

“We’re not broken, baby… we’re just bent. And bent’s okay. Bent means we are just figuring things out.”

The end…is the end…I was mortified when I read those two little words…don’t ask for clues…I will not say…but all I will add is that I need book 3 NOW!! I seriously cannot wait for book 3…I need book 3. If K Bromberg needs Beta’s I’m there…anything to get this baby sooner rather than later. I have loved this series and Fueled only fuels your appetite for more. K Bromberg has managed to pull me into Colton and Rylee’s little bubble and I do not want to leave.

A few of my favourite quotes that do not give too much away, just humour, sense and more humour!

“Roses are red. Lemons are sour. If you open your legs, I’ll be there in an hour.”

“I think he finally found his lifeline.”

“You can bet your ass that’s one chequered flag I’m definitely claiming.”

Totally adore this book, cannot recommend it highly enough, if you haven’t read Driven you need to before starting Fueled, they are a series.

K Bromberg, all I can say is that you have hit it out the ball park with this one. Absolutely brilliant…I have cried whilst writing this review soooo many times. I am emotionally exhausted, but what a ride. You have left me with thoughts and feelings that will never go away and that is very hard to do. High five to you!! I love you and hate you at this moment in time. But it is all good!!
Buy Links: 


Book 1, Driven is on sale!
Book Trailer:
Made by Amy from Schmexy Girl Book Blog

About the Author:

K. Bromberg is that reserved woman sitting in the corner that has you all fooled about the wild child inside of her—the one she lets out every time her fingertips touch the computer keyboard. She’s a wife, mom, child rustler, toy pick-er-upper, chauffer, resident web-slinger, LaLaloopsy watching, American Girl doll dressing multi-tasker of all things domestic and otherwise. She likes her diet cokes with rum, her music loud, and her pantry stocked with a cache of chocolate.

K. lives in Southern California with her husband and three children. When she needs a break from the daily chaos of her life, you can most likely find her on the treadmill or with Kindle in hand, devouring the pages of a good, saucy book.

Fueled is K. Bromberg’s second published novel and is the highly anticipated second book of “The Driven Trilogy.” Driven was her well-received debut novel and Book #1 of the series.

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Tour wide Giveaway!

Your chance to win amazon vouchers, ebook of Fueled or signed copies of Driven

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Follow the tour! 

Click the picture below:

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Giveaway & Facebook Party for Fuelled (Driven 2) by K Bromberg

Today is the official release day for Fuelled (Driven 2) by K Bromberg. We've had a chance to read it and we totally love it. Our review will be up tomorrow as part of day one of the blog tour!

There is a facebook release party today starting at 8am EST (1pm here in the UK) with tons of blogs, tons of giveaways, tons of fun!
A different blog will take over every hour all day with new giveaways, chat topics, pics, and more! Make sure you check in, win some swag, talk about everything Colton Donavan, and celebrate the release of FUELED by
Kristy Bromberg!
The Romance Cover is taking over at 12pm (5pm here in the UK) so make sure you drop by:
As part of the Facebook Release Party there is a grand prize giveaway.
Check it out here:
Buy Links for Fuelled:

Giveaway winners announced!

Thank you to everyone who entered our Giveaways for The Opportunist by Tarryn Fisher, Rock & Roll Never Forgets by Barbara S Stewart and Jay McLean's More Than This Blog Tour.
The winners have been selected via and they are:
The Opportunist & Dirty Red blog tour:
1 Kindle eset of The Opportunist & Dirty Red by Tarryn Fisher
 Nicki Bland
2 Kindle ebooks of The Opportunist by Tarryn Fisher
Mary Bilowus & Gloria Lancia Collaro
Rock & Roll Never Forgets
2 Kindle ebooks of Rock & Roll Never Forgets by Barbara S Stewart.
 Debbie Jensen & Suzy Clark
Jay McLean's More Than This Blog Tour:
$20 Amazon Gift Card
Maria Voulelis Malaveci
10 ebooks of More Than This by Jay McLean
(available in .mobi or .epub winners please specify)
 Gisella Segura
Deb James
Karina Garcia
Hayley Harmon Peters
 Kayla Hines
Nichole Hart
Tara Greseth
Tamara Marceau
Lynn Clifton
David E (Dv8)
Congratulations winners, you have 48 hours to claim your prize by emailing telling us which email address you would like your prize gifted to.

Cover Reveal & Giveaway ~ Found in You (Fixed 2) by Laurelin Paige

Willow loved Fixed on You, book 1 in the Fixed series by Laurelin Paige, you can find her review here, so we are excited to be part of the cover reveal for book 2, Found in You, which is due to be released on 1st October 2013.
Cover designed by: Sophia Bleu
Book Description:
Alayna Withers has only had one kind of relationship: the kind that makes her obsessive and stalker-crazy. Now that Hudson Pierce has let her into his heart, she’s determined to break down the remaining walls between them so they can build a foundation that’s based on more than just amazing sex. Except Hudson’s not the only one with secrets.

With their pasts pulling them into a web of unfounded mistrust, Alayna turns to the one person who knows Hudson the best—Celia, the woman he almost married. Hoping for insight from someone who understands all sides of the story, Alayna forms a bond with Celia that goes too far—revealing things about Hudson that could end their love for good.

This is the first relationship where Alayna hasn’t spiraled out of control. And she might lose Hudson anyway…
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 Book 1 is on Sale today only!

About the Author:

Laurelin Paige is a sucker for a good romance and gets giddy anytime there’s kissing, much to the embarrassment of her three daughters. Her husband doesn’t seem to complain, however. When she isn’t reading or writing sexy stories, she’s probably singing, watching Mad Men and the Walking Dead, or dreaming of Adam Levine. She is represented by the wonderful Bob Diforio of D4EO Literary Agency.

Your chance to win a GC, an advance copy of Found in You or an ecopy of Fixed on You.

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Review ~ Fear of Falling by SL Jennings @MrsSLJ

Reviewed by Donna ~ 5 big fat emotional stars

“…the real monsters aren’t stalking in the shadows with masks and butcher knives. They don’t have fangs or claws. They’re all round us, hiding in plain sight. That’s what’s scary.”

WOW, emotional, extremely emotional…I have read two tear jerkers this weekend and I am sure my tear ducts must now be empty, I have never cried so much over 2 books in my life…and both for entirely different reasons.

If you do not like reading books about abuse, this may not be the book for you. However, please do not let that deter you from reading a truly amazing book. SL Jennings has tackled this subject beautifully (if it can be beautiful), tactfully, it is in no way gratuitous, just a breathtakingly moving story. You can’t help but be moved by Kami’s life, her insecurities, her beliefs, whilst some may struggle to associate with how she dealt with her “life” once you fully got her back story which was told throughout the book, you could understand, you could relate and you just felt so so so bad for her….her parents…what a total waste of space. She had such a tough life from the minute she was born and her insecurities had been bred into her like a mantra and if you tell somebody the same thing over and over and over again, constantly, they suddenly begin to believe it…now it was up to Blaine to try and undo the damage that had been done, was he the man for the job?

“You don’t have to be afraid of falling. Just close your eyes, let go, and know that I’ll always be here with arms outstretched, ready to catch you.”

Blaine….OMG, he was just perfect, truly perfect. What is that old saying…..”never judge a book by it’s cover”…well that applies to Blaine Jacobs. He may have had the bad boy exterior, tattoo’s, piercings, been in trouble…but he had such a big heart and it was a heart of true 24 carat gold. Always putting others first before himself, which had led him into untold heartbreak in the past, yet he still soldiered on trying to save the world. Whilst he wanted to save Kami, it was not out of some sense of necessity, they both had an instant attraction and whilst Kami vehemently tried to fight hers, Blaine was sucked in hook, line and sinker. He was blinkered to her, he wanted her so badly, despite all her hang ups and problems and she had a Boeing 747 full of problems, but he persevered, he bided his time, he said the right things, did the right things and slowly but surely tried to get in under that shield that Kami had put up…but was it truly penetrable?

Kami lived with her two best friends, Dom and Angel. All 3 of them had their own problems, Dom, like Kami was abused and they had met whilst children and had gone through therapy and life together, they were each others crutch. Angel, she was brilliant, she had been disowned by her prejudiced parents for being gay, so she was also a reject. She lived her life to the full and brought some truly “LOL” moments to this book. Although all 3 were damaged in some way, together they were a fighting a force, they were a family, they looked out for each other, were there for each other and supported each other NO MATTER WHAT! Although they may have looked odd to others looking in, their dynamic was truly amazing and beautiful. Yes it was weird, yes it was unusual but it worked and it got all three of them through a real shitty life.

Kami meets Blaine at a bar where he is a bar man or so she believes, their paths eventually meet again when she goes to the same bar for a job. Blaine thinks all his birthdays have come at once and that it is fate that has brought her back to him. Blaine makes no secret of his feelings and desires to Kami, he knows he wants her in all ways, Kami knows he wants her, Kami really wants him, but she feels that she is unloveable, incapable of giving and feeling love and for that reason, she should not be with him or with any man for that matter.

“I’m not afraid of love, Blaine. I loathe it. Love is cruel and unforgiving. It beats you. Tortures you. Smashes your face into a mirror and tells you that you’re disgusting and ugly. That no one else will want you. Love whips you with a belt until giant red welts are left on every inch of your body, leaving you too sore to even sit for days.”

This is what Kami believed “love” was, it wasn’t pretty and sadly enough, she truly believed it, it would take a lot for the damage to be undone.

Kami fights their relationship constantly, always trying to push him away, sometimes it works but Blaine always comes back, he knows what she is trying to do and will not let her, he knows that he just has to pick the right moment, and when she is ready so will he be.

“I won’t miss you anymore.

Loving you is what caused all this.

It’s what ruined us.

I’ll forget you.

I’ll stop loving you.”

I can’t say too much as it has to be read to be believed, yes as I said, it is not pretty, it is emotional, it is intense, bad things happens, good things happen, but it is one amazing story and one that has to be read and devoured. SL Jennings has captured a truly heart wrenchingly, dark, disturbing, emotional and sometimes unbelievable tale and turned what should have been the ending around on its end. The bad and ugly does not have to win, some people are stronger, some people have the fight and the guts to continue, life does go on but it just takes that special someone to guide you through and be there for you when the going gets tough. This is extremely tough, I cried a lot, those big fat ugly sobbing so you can’t breathe tears, yes it was that emotional and that is a true testament to this authors writing. Only a few can do it, and SL Jennings delivered.

It is a must read, one of my favourites of this year.
Amazing job, well done SL Jennings!

Monday 26 August 2013

Release Day Promo ~ Crazy Beautiful Love (The Martelli Brothers) by JS Cooper

JS Cooper has a new series ~ The Martelli Brothers. Book one, Crazy Beautiful Love is out today!

Book Description:

This is not the typical bad boy meets good girl story.

Logan Martelli is a bad boy. He's handsome, sexy, and knows what he wants. He steals cars. He doesn't do relationships. And he has the hottest green eyes in River Valley.

Maddie Wright is a good girl with a wild streak. She's confident, strong, and goes after whatever or whoever she wants. And Maddie wants Logan Martelli with a passion.

One fateful night brings Logan and Maddie together and electricity sparks between them. Maddie and Logan make a real connection, but when Logan finds out who she is, he wants nothing to do with her. However, he soon realizes he can get the ultimate revenge for his family if he continues to date Maddie. The problem is he's starting to fall for Maddie, and he knows that a relationship will mess up everything.

Logan has to decide if revenge is worth losing his one shot at real love. What price will he pay if he betrays the one woman who may finally see behind his bad boy image?
 Three Teasers are available on JS Cooper's website, here is the link to teaser one

Buy Links: 

Review ~ Unbreakable by Rebecca Shea @beccasheaauthor

Reviewed by Donna ~ 4.5 Stars

“We will get through this, together. You and I. Nothing will break us, ever. Not this. Do you hear me, Jess? Nothing. We’re unbreakable.”

This is one amazing story!! It is an emotional roller coaster, but what book isn’t these days?? I seem to have read a spate of intensely emotional, tear inducing reads and this book is no exception. This is the story of Jess and Gabe, they were basically brought up together like a brother and sister. Jess was brought up by her father, her mother had died and he threw himself into his work. She reminded him too much of the wife that he had lost so in order to cope he used work as his coping mechanism. He had Jess’s best interests at heart or so he thought and he wanted her to have a mother figure, he could not move on but that was no reason to deprive Jess. The Garcia’s were long time family friends and neighbours so when her dad was working, she was there, they were like a surrogate family. The daughter (Ava) was her best friend and their son Gabe was like a brother.

As they got older though they both have feelings for each other than familial and this comes to a head on a brief visit to Gabe’s campus where they share their first kiss. When he next comes home they spend some time together and eventually admit their feelings for one another.

“I can’t remember a time when I haven’t loved you. You have been a part of my life for over fourteen years. When you were younger, it was a different kind of love, but now, it’s the kind of love that won’t let me breathe if you’re not with me. It’s the kind of love that makes me not want to live if I can’t be with you.”

This is once again one of my favourites, friends to lovers, it is beautiful to watch the transformation and the light bulb moments when they suddenly appear. It was a natural progression for them and it was not rushed or hurried. You were routing for them the whole time and just wanted to see their love for each other develop.

Then comes the curve ball and all sense has gone and everything is up in the air. It was emotional and it was not pretty. Her dad was no help whatsoever but Jess does what she thinks is best for her even if we don’t agree. I hate it when people feel the need to push people away, I just wanted to jump into the kindle, give her a hug and tell her to open her eyes and really see the people that she was surrounded by. But if she hadn’t made those choices we would never have met Landon.

I loved Landon, he came along at the time and at the right place. It was like fate and I think in an ideal world I would like to think that they helped each other. He was selfless and he did the right thing for Jess. My heart broke for him. I can’t wait to read his story.

“Never be afraid to feel. It’s the only way to really live. If you don’t feel, there is no way you can love, heal, or forgive. You’ll never move forward or get past this. You have to forgive, Jess.”

Jess has a lot of thinking to do and you cannot help but feel her pain and her inner turmoil, but Landon helps her to realise what is there in front of her and really is her knight in shining motorcycle leathers, uniform, tats etc..yes he was yummy!!

As normal, I do not want to give too much of the story away as it will spoil it for you readers, but 1click, get some Kleenex and sit down and devour this book, this book is like pringles!! Once you pop you can’t stop. You will devour it and you will probably cry but you will definitely be moved. I seriously loved this book!!