Monday 31 August 2015

Release Day Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway ~ More Than Famous (Famous #2) by Kahlen Aymes


 More Than Famous by Kahlen Aymes

Is LIVE!!!

Cover created by Sarah Hansen, Okay Creations

Book Description:

Fame is a bitch... And a half.

Being a big star has its perks, but Caden Carlisle is in love with his costar, Brooklyn Halloway, and the movie studio demands that they keep it under wraps to ensure big box office success.

Cade always disliked the spotlight, preferring to focus on the work, but coupled with the ruthless
stalking of rabid paparazzi, the secrecy forced upon his new and fragile relationship, and the vindictive games of others, celebrity status turns into a curse.

Can the roller coaster of emotions bring them closer still, or will jealousy and distance rip them apart forever?

Kahlen Aymes turns up the heat and cranks up the angst in FAMOUS Novel Two; the continuation of Cade and Brook's incredible love story... Because there's more to fame than meets the eye.

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Barnes & Noble and Kobo coming soon

Famous (Book 1) Buy Links:
Currently FREE!!

Barnes & Noble:


It was only two blocks and it was 3 AM Tokyo time, but for us it was hours earlier. I didn't let go of her hand as I led her out of the club. It felt so good to have her by my side.

"Do you feel like walking?" I missed walking but in the States or at home, I didn't get enough of it since my career blew up.

"Sure. That sounds nice," she murmured as we left the bar. It was cool, but not overly so, and the rain had stopped.

I felt her free hand wrap around my bicep of the arm that held her hand, and her head came down on my shoulder. She let out a deep sigh, as we walked the few blocks back to the hotel.

"Are you doing okay with this, Brook? Being with me like this?" I could hear the desire in my voice as I leaned closer to whisper in her ear.

"Uh huh. I've really missed you." She raised her eyes to mine and the need in the blue depths shone like a beacon. She drew a shaky breath and let it out.

"Brook," I almost groaned. "I've missed you too. You were so beautiful today, and I loved how you flirted with me.” I smiled softly as I looked down into her face as we walked. “It was all I could do not to sweep you up in my arms right there in front of everyone. These last months have been hell, love."

I felt heat radiate between us, despite the coolness of the night as we drew near the front entrance of the hotel. I glanced down at Brook's face and saw that her brow was knitted in a frown.

I didn't say anything as we walked through the hotel and took the elevator up to the 23rd floor. Both of our rooms were on this floor and I wondered if she'd want me to join her in hers. My heart thumped harder as we got closer to her room. I didn't want to be presumptuous after all that had happened, but I desperately wanted more time with her.

Exactly what had happened? I reminded myself that I still didn't know.

Outside her room, I took her shoulders and turned her toward me. I wanted to take her in my arms and kiss her breathless, but knew we needed to talk first. I raised my hand to her face and placed a whisper soft kiss on her luscious pink lips. When I drew away, her chin lifted toward my mouth for another kiss and I gave it to her. This one was longer, lingering, our lips playing with each other. My body sprung to life, but my heart still ached over the abyss we’d had between us. I needed it resolved before I could make love to her.

My God. She tastes so good, all wine and sweetness. I felt my breath leave my body and fan over her face. Her eyes were closed as she raised her mouth toward mine, again.

"Brook. I want more time with you. What do you want?" I felt her tremble in my arms and step up on tiptoe to press her mouth to mine again. I could feel desire flood through me. Jesus, it had been so long since I touched her.

"Cade.” She said my name and it did something to me deep inside my soul. “I want you to come in with me." Maybe it was my imagination but she sounded like she was begging and I wouldn’t be able to deny her, even if I didn’t want to do as she asked.

I couldn't help myself, my mouth swooped to open hotly over hers and her arms instantly went around my neck and into my hair. Oh, there it was. I felt those gorgeous hands tugging in my hair, to pull my mouth even closer to hers. I pressed her up against the hotel room door as I devoured her, my tongue seeking the deepest recesses of her mouth. I couldn't get enough and my body strained against her, I pressed my hardness into her stomach and she moaned.

I drug my mouth from hers and placed my forehead on hers, both of us panting wildly. I struggled to get control of my breathing and the urges that were surging through every nerve and sinew of my body. Brook pressed her card key into my hand and I reached behind her to put it in the slot. My mouth ghosted and licked at hers as I heard the door click and I pushed it open behind her. My arm went around her waist and I lifted her with me through the door and her arms and legs went around my body.

"Oh God, Cade." My arm still around her waist, the other one went underneath her bottom as I carried her into the room. I buried my face in her hair as I kissed her neck and shoulders.

Trying to get in control of myself, I went to the bed and sat down with her still wrapped around me. I stroked her back. "Brook. I want you so much right now. So much. But baby, we should talk first."

I brought both of my hands into her hair and pulled her head back so I could look into her eyes. I nuzzled into her throat as I took a deep breath. "We need to talk," I whispered against her skin.

She shook her head as she buried her face in my shoulder, her hands stroking the back of my head. "Please, just make love to me. Just make love to me." My body surged at her words, but I wanted to get her back into my life... not just into my bed and I told her so.

I shook my head. "No Brook. Not until we talk. I want us back, every piece of us. Please talk to me. Why did you push me away? What did I do?"

She stiffened in my arms. "Please don't make me relive it! I can't. It hurts too much."

About the Author:

Kahlen Aymes is a USA Today best selling author who writes steamy romance novels that cross genre lines between New Adult, Adult Contemporary and Erotica.

Kahlen has been on several bestseller lists including Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Smashwords, Publisher's Weekly, iBooks and USA Today! She began her writing career writing Twilight Fan Fiction and won multiple awards in the genre, including BEST Author, BEST Robsten, Best All-Human that Knocks You Off Your Feet and several others!

Her interests include reading, as well as writing, theater arts, cooking, roller skating and going for long walks. She is the proud mom to one teenage daughter and two golden retrievers.

She LOVES writing more than most anything else in the universe, and you can count on her to deliver strong, relatable characters, deep and detailed plots, and emotion overflow!

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Booktropolis Social:


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Release Day Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway ~ Indecision (Maine Attraction Book 1) by Elisabeth Grace

Indecision by Elisabeth Grace is LIVE!!

Book Description:

Jackie Davenport will try anything once, especially in the bedroom. Anything except falling in love.
She lives a carefree existence packed full of fun, but free from emotional entanglements and that’s just how she wants to keep it. When she meets the new police officer in town, she’s unable to deny the connection between them. His over confidence and bullish ways grate on her…still she can’t help but find herself falling into his bed AND falling for him.

Jamie McTavish is man enough to admit that he probably didn’t make the best first impression when he met the 911 Operator. That doesn’t mean there isn’t still sizzling sexual tension between them. He’s a man of action and he’s not content to sit on the sidelines until Jackie works out her issues. But trying to tame this tiger might be too big of a challenge for even him.

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I pulled the cruiser into Jackie’s driveway. What the hell was wrong with me? It was only yesterday that I’d gotten her off and yet here I was, sitting unannounced in her driveway like a stalker.

If I’d thought it difficult to get her off my mind before, what had happened in the wine cellar had made it damn near impossible.

Everyone I’d talked to had said the same thing—that she’d turned down each and every cop or fireman that had asked her out. No one was sure if she was just trying to keep her personal life outside of the work environment or what, but I intended to find out. The insane pull between us didn’t leave me any other choice.

With a sigh, I unbuckled my seatbelt and glanced at the small bungalow. It was cute with white siding and black shutters. Hanging baskets of colorful flowers hung from hooks around the veranda and a kickass bicycle was leaning against the side of the house. That helped to explain why she had such a firm ass.

I opened the door to the cruiser when the front door of the house burst open, and Jackie stood there frozen, her hand held to her chest and such an expression of fear on her face that I bolted out of the car and up the front steps.

“What’s wrong?” I demanded as soon as I was in front of her.

“Wh-what are you doing here?” she asked in barely a whisper.

I relaxed a fraction once it was clear she was okay. “I figured you could use a lift to Don’s place for your car. Didn’t think you would’ve driven home last night.” I shrugged. “It’s been quiet today, so I popped by to see if you wanted me to drive you over.”

She released a pent-up breath and relief washed over her face. “Oh, thank God.”

I frowned and gripped her upper arms. “What’s going on? Everything okay?”

She glanced down at where my hands lay on her soft skin and looked back up to me, blinking twice. “It’s nothing. When I saw the cruiser in the driveway…never mind.” She shook her head.

I studied her for a moment. She was sexy just rolling out of bed with her hair thrown in a messy bun and last night’s make-up still on her face. “You sure?”

She nodded and her eyes flicked down to my hands once more. “Why are you always touching me whenever I see you?” Her voice had come out all breathy, not at all convincing me that she didn’t like my hands right where they were.

I grazed her collarbones with my thumbs, causing goose bumps to form on her skin. “I think you know exactly why.”

Giveaways and Release Festivities

Want to win? Enter via the rafflecopter below!

Elisabeth Grace isn't giving away just one prize in celebration of INDECISION - she's giving away a ton more! Be sure to keep an eye on Elisabeth Grace's Facebook page this week for more information about a lot of really cool prizes you can win! 

Be sure to sign up for Elisabeth Grace's newsletter - she's releasing a new chapter of BUILT TO LAST every two weeks, which will be available to newsletter subscribers only as she writes it! 
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Sunday 30 August 2015

Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway ~ More Than Famous (Famous #2) by Kahlen Aymes

Title: More Than Famous
Author: Kahlen Aymes
Release Date: 31st August 2015 ~ TOMORROW!!

Cover created by Sarah Hansen, Okay Creations

Book Description:

Fame is a bitch... And a half.

Being a big star has its perks, but Caden Carlisle is in love with his costar, Brooklyn Halloway, and the movie studio demands that they keep it under wraps to ensure big box office success.

Cade always disliked the spotlight, preferring to focus on the work, but coupled with the ruthless stalking of rabid paparazzi, the secrecy forced upon his new and fragile relationship, and the vindictive games of others, celebrity status turns into a curse.

Can the roller coaster of emotions bring them closer still, or will jealousy and distance rip them apart forever?

Kahlen Aymes turns up the heat and cranks up the angst in FAMOUS Novel Two; the continuation of Cade and Brook's incredible love story... Because there's more to fame than meets the eye.

Pre-Order Links:

Pre-Order More Than Famous (The Famous Novels #2): 
Exclusively at iBooks:  


Famous (Book 1) Buy Links:
Currently FREE!!

 Our Review:

Reviewed by Donna ~ 4.5 stars
***ARC received for an honest review***

“He was capable of taking me to heaven or sending me to hell and there is nothing I can do to stop it.”

When I dive into a Kahlen Aymes book I know I am going to get three things:-

1) It will be a hopeless romantics dream
3) Angst

And this book had all three in spades. This book carries on from Famous and continues Brook and Caden’s story.

“He was everywhere. Over me, under me, all around me, and inside of me; yet it wasn’t enough.”

Brook and Caden still have to hide their romance what with the film production company setting all the rules and trying to make it as difficult as possible for these two to continue their relationship. It seems that the world is against them and it is proving more and more difficult to keep their love for each other on the down low. What Brook and Caden have is on par with Ryan and Julia, the characters that they are portraying in the film. It is that all-consuming, extremely passionate and I cannot live without you kinda love and when two people feel that strongly about each other you know that even the smallest problems become mountains.

“If you drip any more testosterone, I’m afraid I’ll grow a dick, so cool it.”

Brook was sometimes frustrating but I found myself taking into consideration her age, I sometimes forgot just how young she was. I think that because I read Ryan and Julia’s story soooo long ago you automatically place them a lot older than they are and her thought processes and actions were definitely indicative of her age but sometimes I just wanted to jump into the kindle and shout at her, HE LOVES YOU!! Brook still has self confidence and self esteem issues but slowly but surely you could see her get more comfortable in her skin and stronger in her relationship with Caden.

Caden as usual was adorable, this guy just pulls at my heart strings and you cannot help but fall in love with him. He is confident without being cocky yet still shows that vulnerable side and he definitely wears hi heart on his sleeve. He is so passionate, so romantic and is head over heels for Brook and he doesn’t care who sees. His patience is running thin and he will fight tooth and nail for them. He believes in them and he wants the world to see. Who has the power? Caden and Brook, or the production company?

“Either you help us be together quietly or we’ll be together loudly.”

Hiding from the paparazzi, smoke and mirrors, lies, deceit and deception aplenty this book has it’s fair share of angst to keep you heart pumping, but this is perfectly balanced with that all-encompassing love fest that continues between these two. As I said above Kahlen Aymes writes romance like a killer queen, she nails it every time, she is the demon of emotions and you feel it all reading their story. You live their lives, you get so emotionally involved that you cannot help but feel their love, pain and confusion. Through some masterful words, paragraphs and chapters you are whisked away on a passionate yet tumultuous love affair that will have you smiling one minute and crying the next.

“Dear God, please let me die…because to keep on breathing hurts too fucking much.”

I cannot wait to see where these two end up. Will it have the fairytale ending like Ryan and Julia or will it all go to pot? If these two were left to their own devices they would succeed, no questions, but with fame getting in the way, will the outside pressures prove too much? Gah, the wait is going to kill me, hurry up, I need Beyond Famous!!

“You’re burned on my soul, always and forever.”

About the Author:

Kahlen Aymes is a USA Today best selling author who writes steamy romance novels that cross genre lines between New Adult, Adult Contemporary and Erotica.

Kahlen has been on several bestseller lists including Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Smashwords, Publisher's Weekly, iBooks and USA Today! She began her writing career writing Twilight Fan Fiction and won multiple awards in the genre, including BEST Author, BEST Robsten, Best All-Human that Knocks You Off Your Feet and several others!

Her interests include reading, as well as writing, theater arts, cooking, roller skating and going for long walks. She is the proud mom to one teenage daughter and two golden retrievers.

She LOVES writing more than most anything else in the universe, and you can count on her to deliver strong, relatable characters, deep and detailed plots, and emotion overflow!

Social Links:

Facebook Page:
Booktropolis Social:

Sign up: Kahlen's Newsletter:

Join: Kahlen's Book Babes on FB:


Friday 28 August 2015

Release Blitz ~ Rule (Songs of Corruption #3) by CD Reiss

Antonio and Theresa live or die together in this epic, full-length conclusion to the Songs of Corruption series!

Book Description:

Book Three in The Corruption Series. You must read SPIN and RUIN before reading RULE!

Theresa and Antonio.

They've been through hell. Antonio has a price on his head for turning his back on a marriage deal, and Theresa has no intention of turning her back on him. They're devoted and strong, ready for anything....

A Love Tested To The Limit

And then, someone from Antonio's past reappears. Someone who can give him everything he ever wanted, and who can shake them to their very core.


In this stunning conclusion to the USA Today Bestselling series, Antonio and Theresa will have their passion, their devotion and their very will to live tested.

Buy Links:

 Book Trailer:

Series Reading Order:

SPIN (Book One)

Amazon UK:
Amazon US:

Ruin (Book Two)

Amazon UK:
Amazon US:

Rule (Book Three)

Amazon UK:
About the Author:
CD Reiss is a USA Today and Amazon bestseller. She still has to chop wood and carry water, which was buried in the fine print. Her lawyer is working it out with God but in the meantime, if you call and she doesn’t pick up, she’s at the well, hauling buckets.

Born in New York City, she moved to Hollywood, California to get her master’s degree in screenwriting from USC. In case you want to know, that went nowhere, but it did embed TV story structure in her head well enough for her to take a big risk on a TV series structured erotic series called Songs of Submission. It’s about a kinky billionaire hung up on his ex-wife, an ingenue singer with a wisecracking mouth; art, music and sin in the city of Los Angeles.
Critics have dubbed the books “poetic,” “literary,” and “hauntingly atmospheric,” which is flattering enough for her to put it in a bio, but embarrassing enough for her not to tell her husband, or he might think she’s some sort of braggart who’s too good to give the toilets a once-over every couple of weeks or chop a cord of wood.
If you meet her in person, you should call her Christine.

Stalk Her: Facebook | Twitter | Website | Goodreads | Pinterest | Instagram

Friday Frights ~ PNR Review ~ City of Wolves: Fated Mates (Shifter Book 1) by Avery Burch

Book Description:

He'll risk anything to be inside me. I'm his fated mate.
What the hell am I thinking? I can't fall for a wolf. He's a criminal and an outcast. I'm an elite. If we get caught, they'll destroy us. I'll be disgraced. He'll be tortured and killed. But his wolf instinct has locked on me. He says I'm his fated mate. And every time we're alone together, he melts my heart ... and makes me so wet I'll risk anything to feel him throb inside me.

Everything they told me about fated mates is true. And that means I'm in a lot of trouble. I'm risking everything. As a shifter, I'm used to living on the edge. The regime wants me dead. But now it's so much more complicated. I'm obsessed with this girl. I can't get her out of my mind. I need to devour her, body and soul. I know I should resist, for her sake as much as my own, but I physically can't. My wolf lust has locked onto her. There's no way we get out of this alive, but one night inside her will be worth any punishment.

Our Review:

Reviewed by Shirley ~ 4 stars

This is a very good debut novel. It is about a dystopian world set in New York or Wolf City as some called it. It shows the very strong attraction and the sexy loving of two people from very different sides of the track.

There are three castes of people, right at the very top are the Elite, then the normal and then at the very bottom are the shifters, the wolves. It is a very harsh world for the normal and especially the wolves; these are hunted down, tortured continuously and then slowly killed.

The Elite sees themselves as the best of the best, everyone else is well beneath them, and they make sure everyone knows it. In this regime are the Enforcers, they are the ones who are called upon to find and exterminate the wolves. These are very cruel and sadistic people.

This book concentrates on two people, one from the Elite, Lyla, who has been brought up by her mother, Edith, who shows her no love or affection. All she wants to do is use Lyla for her own ends, to get power and prestige in this debauched and highly political hierarchy of the Elite, which is helped by her brother, Lyla’s Uncle Oswald, a cruel man, who is an Autocrat in the Elite regime. Oswald will do anything and use anyone to achieve his goals in the political world of the Elite, which was why he was grooming Lyla to become his wife because of her father’s name. He had been an Enforcer, famous for his brutality and methods of exterminating the wolves from this world. Thankfully Lyla never knew her father as she hated the ways of the Elite but all the same it was expected of her to follow in her father’s footsteps and become an Enforcer.

The other main character is Zac, who couldn't be more different to Lyla. He was brought up by a nomadic shifter whom he classed as his father. A morose man who had lost his fated mate and daughter. On his death Zac leaves where he had been brought up and makes his way to New York. Living on his wits to get there and along the way he makes friends with another man called Jamie, as both being musicians they had a lot in common and had become firm friends.

The story tells you of this very brutal world for the normal and wolves and of Zac’s meeting of Lyla who is so above him and living in the Elite district that at first it seems impossible but the love of a wolf knows no bounds. Zac first saw Lyla going past in a car, the attraction and pull towards her was so strong

“It was as if he suddenly knew with absolute certainty that he was looking at the woman he would spend his whole life with.”

And when Lyla met his eyes and he smiled she couldn't help but notice that it was the first genuine smile she had ever seen as no one in the Elite ever smiled like that and she was entranced.

The story goes on as how these two cannot stay away from one another and all the difficulties they face and the consequences that follow because of it, but one such coming together proved too much for the feelings that had been building up between them and

“Her body reacted as if connected to a power grid. An orgasm beyond her imagining tore through her and refused to cease. As she maintained her grip on the passing trickle of time, the orgasm continued within her like a nuclear reaction contained within a metal core.”

The brutality in this book made me flinch but the gentle sexy loving between Zac and Lyla made me smile. I enjoyed this book immensely and thought I should mention in my weekly review as it showed a very different side of the shifter genre and hopefully other readers will agree with me.

Buy Links:

Amazon UK:
Amazon US:


Thursday 27 August 2015

Surprise New Release ~ Restless Waters (Left Drowning Series) by Jessica Park

Super sneaky Jessica Park has been tormenting us for ages with this super secret project that she has been working on, she has kept her cards extremely close to her chest. We have been itching to see what was in the pipeline and FINALLY today was the day!! Restless Waters is the much anticipated sequel to Left Drowning. Left Drowning destroyed us so we cannot wait to see what Restless Waters has in store for us...we will be quiet for a while with a big glass of wine and tissues.

Book Description:

A storm is coming, and with storms come restless waters.

Pulled from the depths of catastrophe and depression, Blythe McGuire has learned to escape from her past while embracing the future. A future now entwined with the Shepherd siblings.

With Chris, she shares a staggering romance that kicks heartbreak’s ass.

With Sabin, she shares an intense friendship, one that’s becoming more complicated than either had expected. A friendship now being put to the test because Sabin’s brutal past still haunts him. Because trauma is the gift that keeps on giving without mercy.

Now Sabin is the one left drowning and struggling to breathe, and his turmoil threatens to send all three into dark currents they cannot escape. Even after going through her own hell, saving Sabin will take much more than Blythe had anticipated. Their connection and their love could help, but getting him to reach for her hand could be Blythe’s biggest challenge ever.

Buy Links:

Left Drowning (Book 1)
Trailer for Restless Waters:

Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway ~ Unsaid (The Manhattanites #3) by Avery Aster

Release Date: 1st September 2015

 Book Description:
For fans who loved the snarky wit of Will & Grace and the epic love drama found in Brokeback Mountain comes Avery Aster’s new full-length, standalone contemporary M/M romance novel, Unsaid.

Chelsea’s hottie Blake Morgan III has reemerged from a nasty breakup. His marriage was a frigid

Lower East Side multimedia artist extraordinaire Miguel Santana may be known as the cocky Latin stud in the city, but all he’s wanted since college was Blake’s hand in marriage. He was livid when Blake walked down the aisle with the wrong guy. Miguel has his own list titled the Seven Needs, which are quite contrary to Blake’s dirty-boy deeds. They involve serious commitments, which may leave his new-to-the-singles-scene buddy sprinting for the door, destroying any hopes Miguel has for happiness.

Can these two hunks conquer their intimate fears and love one another as only best friends can? Join the star-studded cast in The Manhattanites series and see for yourself!
disaster beyond repair, and he vows to be single—forever. Bruised, but still hot in Prada, he creates his Seven Desires wish list, his sexiest imaginings. Blake soon realizes there’s only one man he may trust to make these uninhibited intentions come to fruition: his best friend Miguel Santana.

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Exciting him all the more, Miguel pushed him against the table. His friend’s actions may have been plain old-fashioned lust, but someone sought him, in the flesh. Not for his monetary assets, but for his ass. “I want my tongue inside your hot mouth.”

He wrapped his right leg around his friend’s tight waist. The warm friendship blanketed them, making him feel desired. He’d never been kissed by anyone but his ex-husband before. This felt different. Real. Mutual.

His buddy tilted his head to the side. Bit by bit, Miguel gazed down over his forehead and finally rested upon his eyes, almost speaking intently, as if saying, I’m going to give you the passion you’ve always wanted. I’ll fill your need.

Miguel brought his tongue to a long-stroked lick over Blake’s bottom lip before plunging into his mouth, deep and hard with a grunting moan.

Breathless as a teenager kissed for the first time, his cock stiffened all over again.

“You’re going to be my niño this week,” he muttered in a thick accent. “All mine.”

Relishing in the forceful kiss, exhilarated in agreement, he forgot the Hell and nightmare he’d been living in and answered, “Yes, I’ll be your boy this week.” Blake wondered how he’d ever be able to walk away from him once the lists were completed. Would they be able to go back to being best friends? More importantly, if he told Miguel the truth, could he keep it a secret?

About the Author:

New York Times bestselling author Avery Aster pens The Manhattanites, a contemporary erotic romance series of full-length, stand-alone novels, and the naughty new adult prequel companion series The Undergrad Years.

As a resident of New York City and a graduate from New York University, Avery gives readers an inside look at the city’s glitzy nightlife, socialite sexcapades and tall tales of the über-rich and ultra-famous.

The Manhattanites is for fans who miss TV shows like Sex & The City or watch Girls (HBO), Revenge (ABC), and The Bold & the Beautiful (CBS). Avery’s characters are over the top. They have cray-cray fun, speak their minds and always get what they want. Each novel may be read as a stand alone.

Authors Note About Unsaid:

Hello, Gorgeous Reader,

OMFG. I have a free ebook for you when you join my newsletter

If you thought my other novels were over the top, wait ‘til you get a load of Unsaid. It features two tops. Wink! Readers asked when The Manhattanites series gay hero Blake Morgan III would have his day in the sun. Slip your Chanel sunglasses on, pour the champers and break out the chocolate truffles…it’s now!

In my two previous novels, Undressed (Lex & Massimo) and Unscrupulous (Taddy & Warner), you’ve witnessed Blake without love. Don’t worry if you’re new to the series, because you won’t be lost. Each book may be devoured as a standalone and read in any order.

When I asked a group of guys and the men who lust after them what they fantasized about in their intimate relationships, they shared three things. One, they avowed true love. Two, safe sex, and the third was to remove the stigma within the homosexual community about being a power bottom. They desired a gay hero who owned up to enjoying not being a top or versatile. One who didn’t feel it effeminizes himself but rather liberated sex in a positive way, to enjoy his body. Blake and Miguel’s romance explores those three aspects—a bottom’s fantasies, safe sex, and, of course, true love. After you’ve read Unsaid, be sure to join Jemma’s erotic ménage romance in Unconventional.


Wednesday 26 August 2015

Cover Reveal ~ Sins of Sevin by Penelope Ward

(A standalone)
A Contemporary Romance novel

New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author

by Penelope Ward
RELEASE DATE: September 21, 2015

Cover Information

Cover designer: Letitia Hasser, r.b.a designs
Photo: Scott Hoover Photography
Model: Zeb Ringle 
Book Description:

From the New York Times bestselling author of Stepbrother Dearest, comes a new forbidden STANDALONE romance.

What happens when the one you want is the only one you can’t have?

My name is Sevin.

Homeschooled and sheltered by my ultra-religious family, I was always taught that lust was a sin.

Elle was the girl who’d been carefully chosen for me.

After a long-distance courtship, I’d be moving into her family’s guesthouse so that we could get to know each other in the months before the wedding.

Boundaries were set: no inappropriate touching, no kissing, no sex before marriage.

I’d accepted those rules and my fate.

Until I met the one I wanted to sin with.

That was when restraint became a problem…especially since the one wasn’t Elle.

It was her sister, Evangeline.

You know what they say about best laid plans.

My name is Sevin, and I have sinned.

Told in alternating points of view, Sins of Sevin is a full-length standalone novel. Contains graphic sexual content and harsh language. Only appropriate for adult readers age 18+.

Add it to Goodreads:

Other books from Penelope Ward:

Cocky Bastard
Amazon UK:
Amazon US:

Stepbrother Dearest
Amazon UK:

About the Author:

Penelope Ward is a New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling author. She grew up in Boston with five older brothers and spent most of her twenties as a television news anchor, before switching to a more family-friendly career. She is the proud mother of a beautiful 10-year-old girl with autism and a 9-year-old boy. Penelope and her family reside in Rhode Island.
Stalk Her: Facebook | Website | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest | Goodreads

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Tuesday 25 August 2015

Release Day Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway ~ Fallen Crest University (Fallen Crest High #5) by Tijan

Sam & Mason return in Fallen Crest University!
Now Available!

Book Description:

Fallen Crest is back with a vengeance!

Samantha, Mason, and Logan are all together and united with one common enemy: Park Sebastian, the king of fraternity douchebags.

With professional football scouts eyeing his every move, Mason Kade has to walk the line for the first time in his life. Any move he makes against Sebastian has to be perfect and under the radar. One mistake, and his career is over.

Sebastian has other plans. Mason’s career isn’t his target—not even close. Wanting to destroy Mason completely, Sebastian knows he must hit him where it hurts the most: Samantha, who doesn’t give a rat’s ass that she’s the target.

Sam is bound and determined to protect Mason herself, no matter the cost, but what if the cost is beyond her imagination? What if this time, the villain wins?


I drew one of his fingers into my mouth. My tongue wrapped around it. I wanted to forget about my afternoon and how I was going to handle that situation. I wanted to get lost in his arms.

Seeing what I wanted, Mason tipped us both back, cradling me on his chest as he lay down. I was securely in his arms, and he rolled me over, so he was looming above me. His eyes darkened, holding my gaze before dropping to my lips where a small smile showed, and I let go of his finger. The ache for him already started inside me.

A knowing grin formed on his face, and without saying a word, he slipped from the bed to lock the door and flip the lights off. My heart started pounding. The need for him was rising between my legs, and I licked my lips, watching as he took his shirt off. He was all muscle. I could make out every single one of them as he came back to me. The flames were growing hotter and hotter. I wanted to slide my hands over every inch of him. I wanted to feel his weight on top of me. I wanted to feel him inside me.

I wanted him to break the fucking bed for me.
About the Author:

I didn't begin writing until after undergraduate college. There'd been storylines and characters in my head all my life, but it came to a boiling point one day and I HAD to get them out of me. So the
computer was booted up and I FINALLY felt it click. Writing is what I needed to do. After that, I had to teach myself how to write. I can't blame my teachers for not teaching me all those years in school. It was my fault. I was one of the students that was wishing I was anywhere but at school! So after that day, it took me lots of work until I was able to put together something that resembled a novel. I'm hoping I got it right since someone must be reading this profile! And I hope you keep enjoying my future stories.

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Release Day Review ~ Sustained (The Legal Briefs #2) by Emma Chase

Book Description:
A knight in tarnished armor is still a knight.

When you’re a defense attorney in Washington, DC, you see firsthand how hard life can be, and that sometimes the only way to survive is to be harder. I, Jake Becker, have a reputation for being cold, callous, and intimidating—and that suits me just fine. In fact, it’s necessary when I’m breaking down a witness on the stand.

Complications don’t work for me—I’m a “need-to-know” type of man. If you’re my client, tell me the basic facts. If you’re my date, stick to what will turn you on. I’m not a therapist or Prince Charming—and I don’t pretend to be.

Then Chelsea McQuaid and her six orphaned nieces and nephews came along and complicated the ever-loving hell out of my life. Now I'm going to Mommy & Me classes, One Direction concerts, the emergency room, and arguing cases in the principal's office.

Chelsea’s too sweet, too innocent, and too gorgeous for her own good. She tries to be tough, but she’s not. She needs someone to help her, defend her…and the kids.

And that — that, I know how to do.

Our Review:

Reviewed by Donna ~ 4.5 stars
***ARC received for an honest review***

“A knight in tarnished armour is still a knight.”

This book was all about Jake Becker, Chelsea and six amazing kids, if ever there was a feel good book, then this was it, it ticked so many boxes. One thing that Emma Chase never fails to deliver is a spot on male POV and she totally nailed Jake, along with the inner monologues the witty banter this character came to life in a huge way and you couldn’t help but love him. He made you want to love him.

Jake was the epitome of a single man, just the thought of commitment brought him out in hives, he didn’t date, didn’t do relationships just had a long line of one nighters to satisfy the itch. He threw himself into his work and that is what kept him going, he lived and breathed his job, he was exceptionally talented, highly motivated and highly successful. He had it all...or did he?

“All a man has is his word. That he says what he means and does what he says.”

I fell in love with Jake at the onset; I always knew there was something else hidden beneath his cocky façade and Emma Chase really brought it to the forefront in this book. He was such a kind hearted person, he would do anything for anyone and he had the biggest shoulders for everyone else’s burdens. But it took a crafty little pick pocket to finally knock him on his ass, not the pick pocket himself but the lads legal guardian, Chelsea.

Chelsea was a sinking ship, my heart went out to her right from the start, I mean I have three kids that drive me nuts at times but this young girl took on her six nieces and nephews. She was literally thrown into the deep end after a tragedy struck the family and she needed help desperately. Chelsea was a beautiful character both inside and out, she was selfless, admirable and downright freakin adorable. I just wanted to jump into the kindle and give her the biggest hugs. You couldn’t help but be taken in by her plight and Jake was no different.

“I want. I want her – this fearless, stunning woman. And I want the kids. Those perfect, awful, amazing children – whom she loves with every inch of her soul. I want them to be mine. Mine to hold, mine to protect and teach. Their joy, their laughter, their love. I want to come home to it, bask in it, be the reason for it. But even more than that, I want to deserve them. To be worthy.”

This book had me in tears, both of laughter, sadness and happiness; such are the emotions that Emma Chase weaves effortlessly throughout this book. The Emma Chase sense of humour is prevalent throughout and that is what makes this book such an enjoyable and complete read. Not only do you have the romance and the angst but it is beautifully balanced with a good old belly laugh and that is exactly what you needed while reading.

“Because apparently One Direction’s superpower is instant friendship. Someone should ship them to the Middle East so they can get to work on that Israel-Palestine thing.”

To see the change in Becker throughout this book had my heart in knots and my eyes full of tears but full of admiration, he was such a beautiful man both inside and out, even if he doesn’t realise it at first. This was a huge journey and learning curve for Jake Becker and he took it all in his stride, he really does wear his heart on his sleeve for us all to see and doesn’t care who belittles him for it. Chelsea owns him now along with those six adorable, stinking cute kids who seamlessly weaved their way into my affections.

“She’s fourteen. It’s a tough age...She’ll be human again...eventually.”

I cannot recommend this book highly enough, it was perfect and I cannot wait for more from this series.

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Release Day Blitz, Review & Giveaway ~ Unblocked - Episode Five (Timber Towers #5) and The Unblocked Collection by Marni Mann

Today is the release day for the Unblocked series Episode 5 but this also marks the day that this whole series is released as a complete collection. Whether you have been, like me, reading this piece meal, today marks the end of a journey with two amazing characters that I have loved from the start and if you haven't then I am jealous because you get to start this amazing journey from the beginning. Whatever stage you are at, happy reading!
Book Description ~ Episode 5
Derek Block needs to protect those he cares about.
Frankie Jordan fears the loss of those she loves.
Darkness drives them.
But could it drive them apart?
This is Episode Five, the final Episode in the Timber Towers Series.

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 Episode 5

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Our Review:
Reviewed by Donna ~ 4.5 stars
***ARC received for an honest review***

 “He gave me what I needed...he gave me everything I needed.”

This is one of those bittersweet reads as this is one series that I did not want to end. Marni Mann has that knack of endearing her characters to you so hard that you never want to let them go and that is exactly how I felt with Derek and Frankie, I didn’t want to say goodbye.

Derek Block was one of those characters that you couldn’t help but fall in love with. You knew he had issues from the start but with Frankie he began to learn to deal with them and throughout this series the growth in his character has been exponential. Frankie showed him that he could love and be loved and in this instalment his character exudes emotion and that is something that has taken a while for him to convey, it was a huge stepping stone for him and only made me love him all the more.

“He was the man I wanted to be with. The one I was falling in love with.”

In this instalment it is the culmination of their relationship, this is where the past becomes just that, the past and these two look forward to a future. They still have their issues to deal with and these are all tied up by the end. I was glad that this part of their story was not over in a flash and the suspense and intrigue continued till the end. Derek’s last bit of past was Randy and I am glad that he got his just desserts, finally.

As in true Marni Mann and Derek Block style this book had its fair share of steam, these two on a physical level cannot help but scorch your kindle, their connection oozes from the pages and seriously melts your panties. What this man can do there anything he cannot do? But seriously, their connection is palpable, my heart races with these two and that is when I know the author has got me, the characters have got me and it is one feeling I treasure when reading a book.

“...there was no longer any distance between us. I was breathing him in. Breathing in his love.”

This book was super emotional in places and had me in tears so you may need tissues but to see these two connect on such a higher level had me in happy tears too. This is what I love about Marni Mann’s writing, she never fails to deliver on that character connection and she somehow always manages to hit me in the heart. Even the very first book of hers I read many years ago had that impact hence why I have continued to read every single book since, she has become one of my auto buy authors.

“Maybe I wasn’t as alone as I thought. I had us.”

The Unblocked Series has been a fantastic read and one where I have looked forward to every instalment, if like me you have bought them piece meal then Episode 5 goes live today (25th August) but also if you have been saving yourself to read the whole series in one go, then Marni Mann is also releasing the total collection today too!

I cannot wait to see what Marni Mann delivers next; I for one will be at the front of the queue.
The Complete Collection:
Bestselling author, Marni Mann, brings readers, the Unblocked Collection. These steamy novellas take you on an erotic journey with Derek Block and Frankie Jordan as they navigate secrets,
professional boundaries, and a connection they cannot seem to avoid.

One taste was all it took...
Derek Block seeks revenge.
Frankie Jordan seeks professional dominance.
He wants her, she wants him.
Lines that can't cross begin to blur.

Derek Block demands more.
Frankie Jordan wants to run.
Pleasure complicates business.
But some passion is just too hard to resist.
Things are getting hotter as real estate gets real…

Derek Block confronts his past.
Frankie Jordan's past pursues her.
Secrets threaten to keep them apart.
They want to let go of each other, but can’t.
Their passion is too hot to resist.
Things are scorching as real estate gets real…

Derek Block is ready to fight.
Frankie Jordan must make a decision.
Their pasts are demanding attention.
Confessing the truth may not be enough.
But can their intense passion sustain them?

Derek Block needs to protect those he cares about.
Frankie Jordan fears the loss of those she loves.
Darkness drives them.
But could it drive them apart?
This is Episode Five, the final Episode in the Timber Towers Series.
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The Complete Collection