Today we are on R K Lilley's Bad Things blog tour. We have a review, character profiles, playlist and giveaway and don't forget to check out the Facebook Blog Tour Celebration Event!
One look at Tristan, and every brain cell she possessed went up in smoke. This man was trouble with a capital T. It was a given.
She knew better. Bad boys were bad. Especially for her. Considering her history, it was crazy to think otherwise. So why did crazy have to feel so damn fine?
For as long as she could remember, Danika had been focused on the future with single-minded purpose. Tristan came along and taught her everything there was to know about letting go, and living in the present. She fell, hard and deep. Of course, that only made her impact with the ground that much more devastating.
Reviewed by Donna ~ 5 Stars
I absolutely loved the Up in the Air series so was super excited when I heard that there was going to be a spin off series and had to get in there quick…if James Cavendish was anything to go by I couldn’t wait to see who we would get to read about next!! This book is about Danika and Tristan…if your memory needs a little jogging Danika was the girl that walked with a limp, Tristan was the magician at the club, she and Tristan used to be together but weren’t at the time, she had forgiven him but not forgotten and we knew that her limp had something to do with Tristan, they were both friends of James and Bianca. (I must admit, I did have to go back and double check these little deets!!).
Well, this book starts before then, when Danika and Tristan first met and we still don’t know how she got the limp!!
Danika was the live in nanny for Jerry, Jerry brings Tristan home with him to crash for a week or two whilst his new apartment is being finished, they both take an instant liking/lusting to each other, but soon get on so well they become firm friends. Tristan makes it clear from the start that he is not interested in relationships, he is more a casual hookup kind of guy, Danika makes it clear that she is only a relationship kind of girl so they both agree that they will be best friends and not let their attraction for each other get in the way. Tristan makes up a set of rules they must follow to ensure that the boundaries are not crossed. It soon becomes clear that neither of them can possibly stick to the list of rules and they are crossed on more than one occasion. Can they make a relationship work??
Danika was lovely, she had a great sense of humour, was an amazing dancer, was super sexy even though she didn’t know it, honest, caring and loved being part of a family even though it wasn’t her own. She hadn’t had a great childhood herself and was estranged from her family so Jerry’s were her adopted ones.
Tristan, he was sex on legs and he knew it, I knew that he must have been burned in the past to make him the way he was and he had by “Twatalie” what a fab name!!! He kept pulling back from Danika because he not only loved her but he loved her as a person and did not want to lose her friendship, he kept thinking that the sex would get in the way of that and ruin it and he treasured her friendship so much he would rather forego the relationship and be happy with that. Once Danika started showing an interest in others he soon realised that he couldn’t carry on and this was the momentum he needed to make a move.
This is a fab read and if I am totally honest I actually think I preferred this story to the Up In The Air series…I know SHOCKER!!! James Cavendish does appear in this book so for you James fans do not despair, he is in it!! I loved that Frankie was in it too, she was the tattoo artist and she soon becomes friends with Danika, she is just what she needed!! I adored Jared, Tristan’s brother and was sad that he never got his HEA but that is another story.
I am now seriously scared for the next instalment, it is obvious something bad happens for their relationship to be in the state it is in the Up In The Air series and I am really dreading reading how she gets her limp…they are seriously perfect for each other and I sincerely hope that no matter the obstacles and whatever has happened they can get through it.
Fab read, highly recommended!

R.K. Lilley lives in
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