Today we are part of the Consequences blog tour! We have an interview, teaser, giveaway and more!
Besieged by memories of a brutal abduction, Claire Nichols wakes in an unfamiliar bedroom, within a luxurious mansion. Her recollections have one common denominator, the man she just met, Anthony Rawlings.
Unbeknownst to Claire, for a very long time, she has been within Anthony’s sights. Many of the pivotal events in her life occurred, due to his sinister manipulation. Every action has a consequence, and his actions result in their chance meeting.
More than a psychological thriller, Consequences is a vivid story of one woman’s struggle to survive incomprehensible circumstances. Every aspect of her being suddenly depends upon the tall, wealthy, dark haired, dark eyed businessman. Anthony Rawlings is known to the world as prosperous, benevolent, and kind. Claire quickly learns that he can also be a menacing controlling captor.
With few options but concession, Claire attempts to earn her freedom, while enduring a hellish existence that truly appears perfect. Persevering tests and trials, she struggles to retain her pure
His goal in sight, Anthony’s calculated agenda encounters an unforeseen detour. He becomes captivated by Claire’s beauty, resilience, and determination. The interaction of these two compelling characters instigates strong emotions: fear, anger, love, and lust. Claire and Anthony’s tumultuous journey flows into uncharted waters of intrigue and passion.
Utilizing vivid detail, this 167,000-word novel unfolds like a movie, before the eyes of its readers. From the opening criminal abduction, through twists and turns, to the unlikely romantic thrills, the suspense climaxes as Anthony’s motivation becomes evident.
Anthony and Claire must decide if they will stay true to one another, or allow preceding actions to result in justifiable Consequences.
He turned and locked the door. Claire’s heart pounded, her face felt flush, and she began to tremble. Standing alone in the vastness of his office, she watched as Anthony contemplated his next move. His angry expression terrified her. The completely black eyes were the same ones she’d witnessed in her suite two weeks before. After a protracted silence, he spoke with an even flat tone.
“So you say you can follow instructions, we will see.” The debate was over. It was the outcome that frightened Claire. A few hours ago he had been another person. Now the man standing before her was the same one who abused her so violently the first two nights of her stay. His grin wasn’t playful, it was ruthless. “Let’s start with you taking off your clothes.”
Doing her best to be obedient, Claire did as she was told and removed her clothes, starting with her shoes and ending with her sweater. Next, he told her to lie down on the carpet, face first and keep her eyes down. She did feeling the plush carpet rough against her skin. The vulnerability of the position alarmed her as her trembling intensified. She couldn’t see or hear his movements. Straining to listen, she eventually heard...
As part of the blog tour we have an interview with Aleatha Romig!
What inspired you to write Consequences?
I’d always wanted to write a book. It was a bucket list type thing. In 2008 my husband lost his job, it was in construction materials and the economy tanked! He began working a third shift job. Our two oldest children were off in college. Our youngest was going to bed about 8:30. That left a lot of alone time.
I had this idea of a woman in a room... I decided to sit down and see where the story would take me. I didn’t write Consequences to publish. I wrote Consequences as therapy or escape from my life. I could totally manipulate and control the lives of these characters. It was more than I could do for myself.
What author has influenced you the most?
I belong to the Indiana Romance Writers Association. In our local chapter there are many talented writers, and I’ve learned and been influenced by these woman in many ways. Most of them have much more experience than I. Their willingness to share and encourage has been invaluable.
In a long distance, no direct influence kind of way, I will say E.L. James. Not because I found Fifty Shades amazing... it was good. But, she opened the door to “different books” hitting the mainstream. Consequences Series isn’t erotic; however, it is dark. I breach subjects that previously were taboo. I’m not sure that my series would have received the acceptance it has, pre Fifty Shades.
What books have most influenced your life most?
There are many books I’ve loved. Gone with the Wind is my all-time favorite. I also enjoy thrillers; John Grisham brought me back to reading when my children were young. I like the older Patterson’s and enjoy Greg Isles. I also have started to find more erotic romances, and admit to liking those too. These have all been entertainment, a means of escape! Your question is “influence” the only book I can say has “influenced” me is the Bible – best seller of all time!
How would you classify Consequences? I mean its not exactly romance.
I think I’ve invented my own genre: Contemporary Dark Romance / Psychological Thriller. Obviously, Consequences by its self isn’t a romance. However, since it is the relationship of Claire and Tony that propels the series, I’ve been told that makes the series a romance. Now, that said, I definitely believe it qualifies as DARK and PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER.
What was the hardest part of writing Consequences?
The hardest part was deciding how much detail to put in my manuscript. My original draft had more detail. It was so disturbing to my mother and sister-in-law that they couldn’t read the story. So, I decided to employ more of the “fade to black” technique. Honestly, I still have people who think my reading is too disturbing and others who want more detail. I’ve come to the conclusion; you can’t please everyone – so please yourself.
Did you have any specific people inspire your characters physical attributes?
My husband! (lol) No, I honestly made my characters up, their physical characteristics and their personalities. Then, one night after I’d completed Consequences, I was watching True Blood with a friend. Alcide, Joe Magellano, came on. Another character asked him how tall he was, Alcide replied, “Six four – six six.” I was like , OMG, he’s Tony!!
Do you expect your readers to view Tony as a villain or a hero?
I have NO expectations. I love receiving messages or reading reviews where people say he is both! When a reader says they HATED him, usually threatening some sort of bodily harm, and then turns around and says, they LOVE him, despite their better judgment, I believe I’ve done something special.
Have you had any spare time to read anything? If so what's your favorite this year, if not what’s your favorite of all time?
I don’t have much time to read while I write. I’ve started Lover Mine by J.R. Ward. I read on the beach and after I left the beach, I haven’t read any more... When I do read, I often read short quick reads – and some of them may be erotic. Lately I’ve read two Kitty Thomas books... she and I were compared by a blogger so I thought, I need to find out what her writing is all about. That’s why I read CJ.Roberts, we’ve been compared. Interesting how I keep being compared to erotic writers – guess, I’ll keep reading. It is fun to experience the mind-fuck from the other side!
What message or advice do you want to give your readers?
Step outside the box. My series is not defined by genre. I thought I was writing a psychological thriller/ romantic element. My agent said I wrote: Contemporary Dark Romance/ thriller. My point is: branch out... keep an open mind... enjoy... and remember, it is still fiction! As much as many of us would like to believe there is a real Anthony Rawlings, there isn’t. In fiction, we can explore situations we’d never attempt in reality... just enjoy!
Are you getting many invoices for your readers’ therapy for completely messing with their mind? Ha ha ok that was only a joke! But what's the craziest thing one of your readers has said about Consequences?
lol! No invoices because I don’t give out my address! I’ve been threatened! I think I could get some great “group” rates! There is a wonderful “Consequences Series Group Therapy and Hugs” group on Goodreads! Once you’ve completed both Consequences and Truth (because there are many spoilers) I suggest you go visit! There are 3 Tony POV’s on there, too.
I’ve received so many messages and had so many reviews, I can’t possibly zero in on one crazy thing! But, I will say, I’ve started laughing out loud while reading some of my readers’ comments! I’m so thankful my readers share their thoughts with me. It seems as though I evoke a little emotion!

Aleatha Romig voted #1 "New Author to Read" on Goodreads, July 2012 through now! She is a "Published Author's Network" member of the Romance Writer's of America .
She has lived most of her life inIndiana , growing-up in Mishawaka , graduating from Indiana University , and currently living south of Indianapolis . Together with her husband of twenty six years, they've raised three children. She works days as a dental hygienist and enjoys spending her nights writing. She also likes to spend time with her family, friends and patients. Her pastimes include exercising, reading and writing.
Aleatha enjoys traveling, especially when there is a beach involved. In 2011 she had the opportunity to visitSydney , Australia to visit her daughter studying at the University of Wollongong . Her dream is to travel to places in her novels and around the world. CONSEQUENCES, her first novel was released in August 2011 and has sold over 20,000 copies. TRUTH, the sequel was released October 2012 and has surpassed 10,000 copies in less than 3 months!
Aleatha originally published through self publisher Xlibris a subsidiarity of Author's Solution/ Penguin Publishing. In October of 2012 she re-published on her own, a true Indie Author. Later that month she published Truth through Romig Works. Aleatha is happy to be represented by Danielle Egan-Miller of Browne & Miller Literary Associates.
What inspired you to write Consequences?
I’d always wanted to write a book. It was a bucket list type thing. In 2008 my husband lost his job, it was in construction materials and the economy tanked! He began working a third shift job. Our two oldest children were off in college. Our youngest was going to bed about 8:30. That left a lot of alone time.
I had this idea of a woman in a room... I decided to sit down and see where the story would take me. I didn’t write Consequences to publish. I wrote Consequences as therapy or escape from my life. I could totally manipulate and control the lives of these characters. It was more than I could do for myself.
What author has influenced you the most?
I belong to the Indiana Romance Writers Association. In our local chapter there are many talented writers, and I’ve learned and been influenced by these woman in many ways. Most of them have much more experience than I. Their willingness to share and encourage has been invaluable.
In a long distance, no direct influence kind of way, I will say E.L. James. Not because I found Fifty Shades amazing... it was good. But, she opened the door to “different books” hitting the mainstream. Consequences Series isn’t erotic; however, it is dark. I breach subjects that previously were taboo. I’m not sure that my series would have received the acceptance it has, pre Fifty Shades.
What books have most influenced your life most?
There are many books I’ve loved. Gone with the Wind is my all-time favorite. I also enjoy thrillers; John Grisham brought me back to reading when my children were young. I like the older Patterson’s and enjoy Greg Isles. I also have started to find more erotic romances, and admit to liking those too. These have all been entertainment, a means of escape! Your question is “influence” the only book I can say has “influenced” me is the Bible – best seller of all time!
How would you classify Consequences? I mean its not exactly romance.
I think I’ve invented my own genre: Contemporary Dark Romance / Psychological Thriller. Obviously, Consequences by its self isn’t a romance. However, since it is the relationship of Claire and Tony that propels the series, I’ve been told that makes the series a romance. Now, that said, I definitely believe it qualifies as DARK and PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER.
What was the hardest part of writing Consequences?
The hardest part was deciding how much detail to put in my manuscript. My original draft had more detail. It was so disturbing to my mother and sister-in-law that they couldn’t read the story. So, I decided to employ more of the “fade to black” technique. Honestly, I still have people who think my reading is too disturbing and others who want more detail. I’ve come to the conclusion; you can’t please everyone – so please yourself.
Did you have any specific people inspire your characters physical attributes?
My husband! (lol) No, I honestly made my characters up, their physical characteristics and their personalities. Then, one night after I’d completed Consequences, I was watching True Blood with a friend. Alcide, Joe Magellano, came on. Another character asked him how tall he was, Alcide replied, “Six four – six six.” I was like , OMG, he’s Tony!!
Do you expect your readers to view Tony as a villain or a hero?
I have NO expectations. I love receiving messages or reading reviews where people say he is both! When a reader says they HATED him, usually threatening some sort of bodily harm, and then turns around and says, they LOVE him, despite their better judgment, I believe I’ve done something special.
Have you had any spare time to read anything? If so what's your favorite this year, if not what’s your favorite of all time?
I don’t have much time to read while I write. I’ve started Lover Mine by J.R. Ward. I read on the beach and after I left the beach, I haven’t read any more... When I do read, I often read short quick reads – and some of them may be erotic. Lately I’ve read two Kitty Thomas books... she and I were compared by a blogger so I thought, I need to find out what her writing is all about. That’s why I read CJ.Roberts, we’ve been compared. Interesting how I keep being compared to erotic writers – guess, I’ll keep reading. It is fun to experience the mind-fuck from the other side!
What message or advice do you want to give your readers?
Step outside the box. My series is not defined by genre. I thought I was writing a psychological thriller/ romantic element. My agent said I wrote: Contemporary Dark Romance/ thriller. My point is: branch out... keep an open mind... enjoy... and remember, it is still fiction! As much as many of us would like to believe there is a real Anthony Rawlings, there isn’t. In fiction, we can explore situations we’d never attempt in reality... just enjoy!
Are you getting many invoices for your readers’ therapy for completely messing with their mind? Ha ha ok that was only a joke! But what's the craziest thing one of your readers has said about Consequences?
lol! No invoices because I don’t give out my address! I’ve been threatened! I think I could get some great “group” rates! There is a wonderful “Consequences Series Group Therapy and Hugs” group on Goodreads! Once you’ve completed both Consequences and Truth (because there are many spoilers) I suggest you go visit! There are 3 Tony POV’s on there, too.
I’ve received so many messages and had so many reviews, I can’t possibly zero in on one crazy thing! But, I will say, I’ve started laughing out loud while reading some of my readers’ comments! I’m so thankful my readers share their thoughts with me. It seems as though I evoke a little emotion!

She has lived most of her life in
Aleatha enjoys traveling, especially when there is a beach involved. In 2011 she had the opportunity to visit
Aleatha originally published through self publisher Xlibris a subsidiarity of Author's Solution/ Penguin Publishing. In October of 2012 she re-published on her own, a true Indie Author. Later that month she published Truth through Romig Works. Aleatha is happy to be represented by Danielle Egan-Miller of Browne & Miller Literary Associates.
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Sounds great!