So, I fly my rockin' curves off to LA for the big Peaches Monroe (that's me) underwear shoot.
I'm nursing a broken heart from you-know-who, when along comes Keith Raven. Sexy, tanned, and nearly naked. He's my new co-model, and let me tell you, Keith is the full package with a big package (wink, wink).
My new bestie Mitchell warns me that all male models are walking disasters, but I think Keith's different. He meditates, for example. And, unlike some people, he doesn't toy with my affection.
Staying at Keith's apartment in LA and swimming in his pool is heavenly, not to mention the more intimate details of our Rebound Arrangement. What's a Rebound Arrangement, you ask? It's a fixed-length romance and a great way to turn your world upside-down.
Meanwhile, Dalton Deangelo is trying to redeem himself and win me back. He sucks at redemption, but he is charming.
Somebody please stop me, because if I keep slamming my heart like this, it's going to break.
***Peaches Monroe is a 3-book series or trilogy, and book 3 will be released December 2013***
Find it on Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18217840-starlight
**ARC Received for honest review**
Reviewed by Dawn ~ 4.5 Stars
Peaches continues with her modelling for the underwear line where she meets the male model, Keith Raven. The relationship that forms between Peaches and Keith is cute but I just didn't feel it! Don't get me wrong I loved Keith but I just didn't think they had as great a connection as her and Dalton.
Peaches ends up staying with him because she can’t go back to Dalton’s and they develop more than just a physical relationship and at times Peaches can see herself settling down with Keith, they decide on a rebound relationship as he is just out of a long term relationship with Tabitha, they're going to help lick each others wounds, literally!!
"I'd make fun of your ex, Tabitha," I said. "Except I do a lousy impression of skinny-ass-having, ex-boyfriend-fucking, Las-Vegas-slutting, bag-o-hair-best-friending, meek little anorexic whores. Mainly because of my cheekbones."
Keith is a little odd at times, and he's got a past he's not proud off.
"You act like an earth muffin, but you're a sex freak."
He has a sister who is a whole bag of crazy and I SERIOUSLY dislike!!
There's a huge "OH MY GOD" moment where we find out what the BIG secret from Peaches past is and when I found out I thought "I can't believe I didn't figure this out!"
I had mixed feelings out this secret, I'm not sure of some of the decisions she made but I can see why she made them. It also made me realise why she has some of the issues she has, her lack of confidence in herself and her choice of relationships or lack of them. It also made me feel incredibly sorry for her at the same time.
I loved that she found it so easy to confined all this in Keith when she's kept it hidden from the world for so long it showed she felt a great connection to him.
Through her journey in LA she makes a new friend in Mitchell who is absolutely brilliant, I'd love to have him as a friend and they have some great times and laughs together.
We see some of Dalton in this one but not as much as I'd have liked I want him to fight for Peaches more to show her it was more than just a movie to her and he really cared.
At one point she has to decide if she should choose him over Keith.....(you'll need to read it to find that out!)
Now she's back in Beaverdale she's back to reality with a bit of a bump. Also at home is Aiden her high school crush that never was! I think deep down I'd love to see how they get on in a relationship together. But I guess we'll need read the next two books to see if anything will happen there.
In summery I loved this one I didn't find it had quite as many lol moments as Stardust and was slightly more serious that said I also felt it needed to be to answer the questions that were left burning. I still giggled and I still loved Peaches and the situations she somehow always manages to get herself into.
"If you're trying to make me feel like s*&^ on toast, it's working. I'm dressed in a drag queen's clothes, I got a tattoo I'm too scared to look at, I narrowly escaped getting arrested, and now the world's most beloved TV vampire is telling me I suck at life"
As it left us with a bit of a "What the hell" moment and I'm desperate to read book 3 now, like RIGHT NOW!!!!
Another great book from Mimi Strong who is now one if my fave authors.
Mimi Facts!
Q. Wasn't the first book originally called “We are Made of Stardust?” Why did you change it?
A. I love weird titles, but it was too weird, even for me. Even I kept mistyping the thing, so I knew readers were having trouble with that mouthful.
Q. How many Peaches Monroe books will there be?
A. After Book 1 came out, I asked my readers how much Peaches they wanted. Everyone said they loved Peaches, wanted the experience to never end, and wanted many, many books. I don't usually write long series, so I decided to make it 4 books, total. That's a quadrilogy. Each one is a full-length novel with its own storyline, and the books are inter-linked
Q. When is book 3 coming out? And book 4?
A. I haven't set a date yet. I write fast, so it won't be too long, but I need to take my time and take care of Peaches while simultaneously torturing the poor girl. Writing a series with a character that readers love so much makes me feel like Peaches Monroe is a real person, and I'm just licensed to write her story. If I don't do a great job, I worry I'll get fired. So, I'm going to try to get you more books as quickly as I can without getting fired. (Don't worry about my mental health; I hear this is completely “normal” for authors of series.)
Q. What's the hardest part of writing?
A. Usually I say it's the words. But today I'll be serious and give you a serious answer: fear. Always the fear. I'll be typing a sentence and imagine a specific person reading that sentence, and it stops me cold. It's a huge mind game to get over that stage fright. Some authors drink. I've tried a beverage or two, and it doesn't help at all, so I just have to stare down the blank page and the fear, totally sober, like a good role model. (You're welcome!)
Q. Will Peaches find love?
A. Um, what do you think? Do I seem like a particularly cruel author? ;-) I'm trying to write a romance here! I think it will happen, eventually.
Author Links:
Book 1 ~ Stardust
Book #1, STARDUST will be ON SALE for 99 cents during the blog tour, and is available now at:
Amazon.com - http://amzn.to/14vIWmi
Amazon.co.uk - http://amzn.to/18ZKGVu
Barnes & Noble - http://bit.ly/1abvAl6
Kobobooks - http://bit.ly/12ib911
You can read our review for Stardust here: http://www.theromancecover.com/2013/07/review-giveaway-we-are-made-of-stardust.html
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