Following on from yesterdays post, today we bring you the review for book 2 in The Fullerton Family Saga ~ Entangled
Book 2 ~ Entangled
Book Description:
****This is Book 2 in the series. Blurb may contain spoilers for Book 1.****
In Book 2 of the Fullerton Family Saga, teacher Rachel Dennehy heads back to California to save her favorite little boy from his rapid downward spiral. She feels responsible for Jonathan’s destructive behavior, knowing it was her broken promise that sent him off the rails. She moves in with Alex, a man who had been her nemesis for so long. Thrust together with the shared goal of saving Jonathan, they find more in common than they had realized.
In fact, it is Alex who comes to her rescue Drew confronts Rachel over her “betrayal.” The chemistry still burns hot between them, but Rachel cannot forgive Drew’s cruel deception. Unfortunately he is unwilling to let her go. Drew Fullerton doesn’t like to lose, especially to his younger brother. So he proceeds with his plan to win her back, using every trick in the book to force her hand, including his son.
Young Jonathan holds fast to his dream of a real family, which tears her in yet another direction. Her heart is torn between the three Fullertons, all of whom need her in very different ways. Someone is going to get hurt, no matter what she does. She struggles to do what is right, even when she finds it puts her at direct odds with what she wants.
How far must Rachel go to win back Jonathan’s trust, and protect the men she has grown to love?
Find it on Goodreads here:
I stared after him helplessly. "Drew, I really don’t think you should be here. Jonathan is due any minute…," I started, but he was quick to cut me off.
"Jonathan’s not coming. I’ve petitioned the judge to prevent Jonathan from being educated here in the home of the man who blew his life apart. Twice," he added bitterly. "If you want to teach Jonathan, you need to do it either in Elise’s home or in mine."
I crossed my arms in front of me. "That’s not happening," I told him.
He sneered at me. "So you’ve switched teams, is that it?"
"No," I answered. "I’m on the same team I’ve always been on. Team Jonathan."
Drew chortled. "You really are a piece of work, Miss Dennehy," he emphasized spitefully. He glanced around his mother’s family home with pained nostalgia on his face. "But I suppose one Fullerton brother is as good as the other. He’s got the fancy home, the big bank account. Nothing as big as mine, of course, but few things are," he added with an evil sneer. "And of course, a motherless son. That’s the most important piece of the puzzle, is it not?"
I glared at him. "Get out, Drew."
He stalked toward me. "Truth hurt?" he asked when he stopped a mere inch apart from where I stood.
"You wouldn’t know the truth if you tripped over it," I gritted between clinched teeth. "Your jealous ranting is wasted when I know you never really wanted me in the first place."
"You think not?" he asked in a low voice. His eyes were lethal as he closed the gap between us, until his massive, rock-solid chest was pressed against my tightly clenched arms. "Did it only take three months to forget what it felt like to have me inside you?"
I gasped slightly, taken aback by his bold comment. He took advantage of that opportunity to grasp my wrist in one powerful hand and yank me against his body, which was both hard and forbidding. His mouth hovered over mine by a mere breath. "I haven’t forgotten," he said as his other hand ran down my back and over the curve of my hip. "I dream about you every night. I still feel you wrapped around me, pulling me in deeper and deeper inside of you until I lost myself in all that you are."
My resolve slipped under the assault of his seductive words. I shook my head. "Drew, please."
His eyes glittered. "I’ve heard you beg me before. Remember?"
I shuddered in spite of myself. As mad as I had been, as hurt and betrayed, Drew still haunted my dreams. I hadn’t forgotten how I came alive at his touch. Just being this close to him had me flushed with forbidden excitement. I wanted him despite past history and despite my better judgment. I had to remind myself that this was likely another game.
But the hard, insistent bulge pressing against my leg suggested otherwise.
I opened my mouth to protest, and his lips crushed mine. I could taste strong bourbon on his tongue. It was early in the day for him to be drinking. Clearly he had been in a downward spiral similar to his son. It fueled his possessive kiss with anger and entitlement. I began to struggle against him the minute his hand clamped over my breast. "No," I murmured against his mouth as I tried to pull away, but he held me fast.
"I belong to no one," I insisted as I tried to pull away, but he swept me into his arms.
"You think not?" he challenged again as he carried me toward the staircase.
"What are you doing?" I squealed, too afraid to kick myself free and send us toppling down the stairs.
"Claiming what’s mine," he informed me coldly as he reached the landing.
Our Review:
**ARC received for honest review**
Reviewed by Donna ~ 4 Stars
“If it’s right, it’s worth waiting for.”
This book begins where Enticed left off, after Drew’s betrayal, Rachel has gone back to Texas. Jonathan does not take her desertion very well and changes as a child. He has become disobedient, withdrawn and angry and the family are extremely worried about his well-being. It takes a lot of humble pie but Alex goes to Texas to bring Rachel back. Jonathan needs her and no matter what, Jonathan comes first. Alex knows that Rachel sees Jonathan as her own and he uses her feelings to get her to capitulate and go back with him to California. He says that she can stay on his ranch so that she does not have to interact with Drew if she doesn’t want to.
Despite everything that has happened, although my first team is TEAM JONATHAN, as far as the love story goes I am TEAM DREW. As much as I love Alex (and I do a lot!) I just feel that Drew really truly loves Rachel in his own way. Drew has never really been shown love at all, he struggles with this emotion and whilst he goes all about it the wrong way, I do feel that for once, what he feels is honest to goodness love. He just needs to learn to show it a bit better!
I love the way that this book centres around Jonathan, Rachel and Alex. You do get to see another side to Alex and this will open your heart to the other Fullerton brother. It seems that Rachel has her work cut out surrounded by all these Fullerton men.
“After all, I am the one that got her to come back to California. And I did it without lying to her about why I wanted her here. Score one for honesty.”
“Please,” Drew sneered. “You know the only reason you want her is because I do. You have to wreck this like you wreck everything else, because you're jealous of me and you always have been.”
It does seem that there is a unhealthy competition between Alex and Drew and we are treated to little snippets of information throughout the story about their back ground and history. It takes a great author to have you fall in love with both protagonists and that is what Ginger Voight managed to do to me. At one point I was completely torn, I hated her with a vengeance. I was screaming at my kindle and crying like a baby. I know a lot of people may have an issue with a woman playing ping pong between two brothers but it was not like that at all. Yes I did get angry, yes at times I was confused but to a certain extent you could sympathise. However, fate has a way of dealing hands where you least expect it and that is no different in this book. Talk about pull the wool over your eyes and the rug from under your feet.
What can I say, as much as I would love to go into the finer details and the nitty gritty’s I can’t, it would spoil it for you. I cannot wait to see where this story is going to go. No matter what team you are on you will be chomping at the bit for book 3 and that is not too far away, only a few more days! It took an all evening and all-nighter to read the first two instalments of this book and I am extremely lucky that I have book 3 sitting here waiting for me to devour, so I will sign off now as I have a date with Enraptured.
“I know you want me. I feel it in the way you tremble. I’ve felt you tremble like this before, remember? I told you then that you would always be mine. And you know it’s true. Your body responds to my touch like a slave to its master.”
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