Book Description:

I'm Megan Walker, a lawyer at one of the hottest boutique law firms in Atlanta. I'm on the fast track to making partner and have my entire life planned out...or I did.
We all know how that goes, right? Best laid plans and all that.
Life just threw me a couple curveballs, so I've set out to take things into my own hands. By throwing caution to the wind and getting out of my A-type personality bubble, I'm learning more about myself than I have in my twenty-seven years.
Sound like a chick flick, doesn't it?
It’s not.
Our Review:
Reviewed by Donna ~ 4 Stars
**ARC received for honest review**
“Maybe you don’t go back, you go somewhere else, but it’s just as good. Maybe even better.”
This book is such a departure from RL Griffin’s usual writing style, so much so I couldn’t wait to read. I had watched her feed for teasers and excerpts and this only added to my own internal hype to get my grubby hands on this romantic comedy. I was also lucky enough to be a beta reader so had watched this book go from strength to strength over the months. RL Griffin has blown me away in the past with her romantic suspense type reads and this book goes to show just how versatile she is and that she can in fact turn her hand to anything she sets her mind to.
I had so many laugh out loud moments and it is rare to go from tears of laughter one minute to tears of sadness the next. There are not too many tears of sadness, but there was one scene that for a softie like me had me choked and bawling, RL Griffin never fails, she always makes me cry!
Megan is an extremely hardworking and successful lawyer, fighting her way to the top of the firm which is always difficult in a man’s world. She has the dedication, ambition, drive and determination and has the respect of her peers, shame the same couldn’t be said about her personal life. After her personal life as she knows it hits the skids she is forced to take a stock of herself and after an impulsive purchase ends up changing her life once again she throws caution to the wind. With her BFF finding herself in a similar situation...what should they do? ROAD TRIP!!
This book is a voyage of discovery for both women, a time to relax and be carefree, a time to find themselves, cherish their friendships and also make new ones. With plenty of man candy on the way as they make their way across country to Napa you cannot help but laugh at their male encounters. Some are hilarious and yet some obviously have deeper meanings and could be just what both girls need.
“ already mourned the death of you and Peter three years ago. You need to fuck through it.”
She gyrates her hips at me. I can’t help but laugh at her antics. “Fuck through it?”
I loved the banter in this book; these two had such a fantastic relationship. They could cuss each other one minute, call each other out the next, but no matter what, they always had each other’s back...all the time!
“I love you. Meet me at the casino after you clean your vag.”
I pictured this trip in my head as they plotted and planned and eventually executed their journey. The shenanigans that these two get up to will have you crying with laughter, from scenes that are just too hilarious for words, to scenes that resonate with your inner twelve year old self. This book is beautifully balanced with not only fun and laughter but also the deep and meaningfuls and the underlying messages that you cannot help but feel in your heart.
“Yeah, my heart totally wants to take a step toward him instead of away from him, but then my head says “fuck you heart.” My brain says fuck me once, shame on you, fuck me twice, shame on me.”
Kudos to RL Griffin, she has definitely proven that she can write funny. Some scenes have left me mentally scarred for life (#bluewaffle (DO NOT GOOGLE BLUE WAFFLE SERIOUSLY!!)) and some I will remember for a long long time (#hotdog) and some I think back on, even now and they still make me chuckle (#sipandstretch). Some scenes have even changed my eating habits (#nomorehamsandwich). But even as I am typing this I am laughing away to myself and even though I feel some of the humour was a bit too much for my English brain I still haven’t laughed this much over a book for a long time. I also beg anyone who has read this book to own up and say they can never look at a male cover model in the same way again; I always knew they were too good to be true ;-).
This book would make a great summer read, sipping cocktails, by the pool, in the sun, living the life and reading a hilarious modern Thelma & Louise tale without the crappy ending. This book would also serve as the perfect pick me up after all those dark and disturbing books we are so mad about too. So jump in and join this journey of fun, fresh, frolics and fucks aplenty on this voyage of discovery of friendships, finding yourself and finding love when you least expect it. Join these girls on a road trip you will never forget and will forever relate too.
“This moment feels so big, this day feels like such a deal breaker. The butterflies in my stomach have had families and they are all flying around my gut.”
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About the Author:
She lives in Atlanta with her husband, kid and dogs. She loves to travel and meet readers.
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Release Events:
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Come visit R. L. Griffin's FACEBOOK PARTY on Tuesday April 28th from 8:00-9:00 PM EST
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