“Trust me, Ella, a man knows when a guy wants to fuck his wife.”
I originally gave this book 4.5 stars, but even days later I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it, talking about, pimping it, so I have added that extra half, this is definitely deserving of a five star read. I can’t tell you how I felt while reading this book, the blurb did it for me, I was pulled in, hook, line and sinker and from the first word to the last I was hooked, entranced and totally consumed by this story. In all the books I have read I cannot remember ever reading about “a couple exchange.” A mutual agreement between two couples to exclusively swap partners on a regular basis. Personally I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t deal with the emotional side, although as the blurb states, I would have already broken one of the rules.
How can something that feels so wrong actually read so right? This is because of the author’s voice, those emotions that she manages to elicit effortlessly while totally consuming you with a story that draws you in so deep, time ceases to exist. Before I knew it I had finished the book, looked at the clock and it was 3.30am, it is not often that happens, this girl needs her sleep.
“I get it. You’re not mine. You never will be.”
Mirella and Gabe were childhood sweethearts, are married and have two daughters. They have a healthy sex life but the usual parenting gets in the way of couple time. Feeling a little low Mirella suggests a date night and because Gabe was the lovely husband he was, he sets up a date at a posh restaurant and really goes to town. It is here that they meet Bridget and Weston. Gabe’s reservation gets lost and Bridget and Weston’s other friends are a no show so they decide to share a table and here a friendship is born.
These two couples are complete opposites, Mirella and Gabe are your usual middle class couple, Mirella was a primary school teacher. Weston and Bridget are powerful and super rich and they exude class. Over the course of the meal it is obvious that they all get on really well, also they are all more than interested in each other’s spouses. It seems that Mirella and Gabe have left a lasting impression on Bridget and Weston.
“I think both of us know, deep inside...our relationship is about to change.”
Bridget and Weston reach out to Mirella and Gabe and it seems that they are no wallflowers when it comes to their sex lives, summoning Mirella to a meeting it is here that the “Couple Exchange,” is put on the table and after much discussion and hesitation, Mirella and Gabe agree thinking that this could spice up their love life. Mirella was reticent at first, she has only ever been with Gabe, but the allure of Weston was too strong, he is the first man she has been attracted to since Gabe, she felt it needed to be explored.
“I still want him. As much as I wanted to end this, I’m still willing to put everything on the line – my sanity, my marriage, my heart.”
This book is written from Mirella’s POV, you go through her thoughts and emotions in detail, her apprehension, her reticence, her panic, her pro’s, her con’s, she truly was troubled. It is through this POV though that you understand that calling that Weston had to her, at first he seems aloof and guarded but as their dates progress the real Weston makes his appearance and through those little glimmers you get to see the man underneath and I loved him. I certainly felt that it is Bridget that wears the trousers in their relationship, for some reason I just felt that he could just be him when he was with Mirella, slowly but surely he lets his walls down, until he remembers the rules.
“You are a man of contradictions.”
“You are the king of delayed gratification.”
I can’t really talk much about this one, you just need to put your big girl panties on and dive in. This is the first book in a trilogy and at the end you are just left wanting more. I would love to get into Weston’s head and also Gabe’s. What do these men really think? Are they truly happy? Are they really as blasé about this as they appear to be? I feel the Weston ripples and we know what Mirella thinks, she has broken so many rules already.
“I want this to last forever.”
The palpitations, the will they won’t they, the is it or isn’t it, that attraction, all consuming, addictive, the unique storyline all made for a fantastic read. You cannot help but get involved; you cannot help but want the unexpected. I really need to know what Weston really thinks, this is eating at me, he is so hot and cold, he has that push and pull, and his actions say one thing one minute and the total opposite the next. It is these actions and reactions that are so confusing, but is this a sign of what is really going through his mind. Is he just as conflicted as his thoughts and actions? Gahhhhh, I seriously need more, like NOW!! I NEED to know what happens, this next book cannot come soon enough. Roya Carmen what have you done to me!! So, so good, get 1clicking and join the crazy train, my shoulder is here should you feel the need to discuss...also read the excerpt for book 2 at the end...ha ha ha, now you have read it, you can thank me (insert evil laugh!)
“I’m in love with two men. I am royally messed up.”
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