THE SAVAGE IS HERE. "I LOVE this book. One of my absolute favorite reads of 2016. I want…no, I NEED my own savage!!!” ~USA Today bestselling author Natasha Knight

Book Description:
Where is Kiro?
He’s the lost Dragusha brother, heir to a vast mafia empire—brilliant, violent, and utterly savage…and he’s been missing for years.
I'm supposed to be doing simple undercover research at the Fancher Institute for the Mentally Ill & Dangerous, but I can’t keep my mind off Patient 34. He’s startlingly young and gorgeous, but it’s not just that. He’s strapped way too tightly to that bed. And there’s no name or criminal history on his chart. What are these people hiding? My reporter’s instincts are screaming.
Here's the other thing: the staffers here believe he’s so sedated that there’s not a thought in his head, but I catch him watching me when nobody’s looking. Our connection sizzles when I enter the room. When our eyes meet, I know he understands me in a way nobody else ever has.
I’m supposed to follow my editor’s orders—I have secrets, too—but everything about Patient 34 is suspicious. How can I not investigate?
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Our Review:
Reviewed by Donna ~ 4.5 stars
***ARC received for an honest review***
Our Review:
Reviewed by Donna ~ 4.5 stars
***ARC received for an honest review***
“I used to say that the story
begins where the comfort zone ends…”
Wow, what a conclusion to this totally compelling series
that Annika Martin has delivered. I love my Mafia books and this whole trilogy
has been suspenseful, intriguing, intense and extremely hot. The Dragusha
brothers were all totally different, separated as children and finally reunited.
While they missed growing up together their similarities in temperament, their
actions and their morals definitely bonded these men together. These guys don’t
love easily, but when they do, they are all in. All three were intense,
passionate and protective and god help anyone that endangered either themselves
or their partners.
Each book in this series centres around one brother while
the plot lines from the very first book continue throughout the series. Dark
Mafia Prince was Aleksio, Wicked Mafia Prince was Viktor and now it is the turn
of, Kiro, in Savage Mafia Prince. Kiro was the youngest brother, ripped apart
from his family as a babe in arms. He knew nothing of his past or his family
and having escaped from the home he was placed in, he grew up in the wild, with
the wolves, he was a real life Tarzan. Kiro feels at home with dirt under his
feet, fresh air and wild abandon not in an asylum in a drug induced vegetative
state which is where he finds himself at the start of this story.
“He’s a force of nature. Pure
aliveness. Pure power. He’s the most ferociously hot thing I have ever seen.
The most dangerous thing I’ve ever seen. Barely human. Savage Adonis.”
Nurse Ann is an undercover journalist who has had her fair
share of stories in war zones and battle fields. She has her own demons but now
she needs to re-establish herself as one of the most sought after journalists
after her last job hit the skids. Hired to investigate a potential drugs ring
within the hospital her nursing background comes in handy and cements her
firmly in the right place at the right time.
Nurse Ann has her patients and none are more intriguing than
Patient 34, a young man kept sedated for the safety of the staff and allegedly
himself. Patient 34 was a wild one, had no respect from any of the staff and
was treated appallingly, but it stunk, and being the investigative person that
she was Ann knew that there was more to Patient 34 than met the eye.
“I wanted the savage story. Now I’m
in it.”
Kiro a.k.a. Patient 34 was clever and cunning, he acted the
part of the sedated patient but through sheer determination and strength he had
found a way around his drug induced haze. Oblivious to the fact that Patient 34
is alert Nurse Ann shows him compassion and uses his lifeless body as a
sounding board to her troubles and woe. She shows him affection, something that
he has never had and it soon becomes apparent that Patient 34 has developed
feelings he never knew existed and never knew he wanted.
“If you don’t know your own
story, it controls you. The ignorance of your story is hurting us.”
With Lazarus still gunning for Kiro it is only a matter of
time before he is found and the race is definitely on between him and Aleksio
and Viktor. Lazarus, determined to prevent the prophecy from coming true and
Aleksio and Viktor, determined to keep their family together and take their
proper place. But once Ann unearths the truth about Patient 34 will she be an
ally or foe?
The chemistry between Kiro and Ann was palpable and being
the wild, caveman that he was Kiro’s actions and reactions were primal and
feral leading to some rough, raw and uninhibited scenes. Finding a mate was a
base instinct an act all about the release and the claiming, but Ann shows Kiro
love and Annika Martin depicted this perfectly. His metamorphosis from caveman
to lover was stunning.
“You’re mine to feed. Mine to
care for…Mine to fuck…Mine to make come.”
This was a fantastic culmination to an unputdownable
trilogy. I have loved this series from the very beginning and to see its
conclusion is kind of bitter sweet. The Dragusha brothers are certainly
memorable and this will go down as one of my Mafia favourites. This is a
trilogy that I can highly recommend.

Start the series now!
Dark Mafia Prince - now available!

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Book Description:
They destroyed his family, stole his kingdom, hunted him to the ends of the earth.
Now the beautiful prince is back as a dark killer, ready to take everything. And it starts with her.
Aleksio Don’t look at me like that. So trusting. Like you think I’m not a monster. Like I won’t wrap your hair in my fist and bend you to my will. Like I won’t sacrifice you, piece by bloody piece, to save my brother.
I’m the most dangerous enemy you’ll ever have. Because every time you look at me, you see somebody good. That friend who died.
And when you look at me like that, I die again.
Mira I spent years making myself invisible. A good girl, apart from the noise. Then you returned, beautiful and deadly in your Armani suit. Don’t look at me like you still know me, you say. But I remember your smile. And I remember those sunny days.
Before they lowered your small casket into the ground. Before they told us the prince was dead.
Wicked Mafia Prince - now available!

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Book Description:
Who is the nun who never shows her face?
She’s trapped in twisted brothel, stuck behind a webcam…or is she? Viktor doesn’t need to see this mysterious nun’s face to know she’s the woman he once loved…the assassin he once killed.
You were the love of my life, beautiful and deadly. Then you betrayed our mafiya family—the only family either of us ever knew. Heartbroken, I did the honor killing. I threw you off a cliff. When I learned you were innocent, it ripped me apart.Now, years later—somehow, impossibly—there you are, alive. The nun who never shows her face, trapped on the other side of a computer screen. How can it be? My brothers think I’m obsessed. Imagining ghosts. But I’ll always know you. And I’m coming for you.
About the Author:
Annika Martin is a NYT bestselling author who enjoys writing dirty stories about dangerous criminals! She loves helping animals and kicking snow clumps off the bottom of cars around the streets of Minneapolis, and in her spare time she writes as the RITA award-winning author Carolyn Crane.
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