Then, one stormy August night, he died, and the person I was died with him.
Colton didn't teach me how to live. He didn't heal the pain. He didn't make it okay. He taught me how to hurt, how to not be okay, and, eventually, how to let go.
Ok I'm torn with this book so 3.5*s from me.
I wanted to love it and I was REALLY looking forward to reading it. I got into it really quick and couldn't put it down. It was emotional from the get go. You seen a young love blooming but knew it was going to come to a tragic end. And I cried big fat ugly cried. It covered a lot of hard topics really well.
Nell looses Kyle and she blames herself, at the funeral she meets Colt his older brother and they feel a connection but they know its wrong so they don't act on it.
Then we jump two years and they bump into each other in NY and this is where their relationship starts.
They try to fight it and this is where I started to get annoyed with all the undecided emotions and the jumping in time really annoyed me. I know it was all part of the story but I felt it made it jumpy.
I felt it was a tad rushed towards the end and the story could have been it bit more fitted together instead of jumping in time again.
Then.....it just ended no real tie up of things that happened. I
'm not sure if this is to make room for a next book or not but when I got to the last page I was like, is that it?!?!
All that being said I did enjoy it and read it in one day if there is to be a follow up I would definitely read it to find out how they are doing and where their relationship went.