Sunday 30 June 2013

Blog Tour ~ Come Alive (EiT 7) by Karina Halle with EiT Giveaway

Today we are on the Come Alive Blog Tour! We have our review & Giveaway!
Come Alive is book 7 in the Experiment in Terror Series by Karina Halle.

Book Description:

It’s one thing to bring the woman you love back into your life. It’s another to try and keep her there. For Dex Foray, con­vinc­ing Perry Palomino to open her­self to their bur­geon­ing rela­tion­ship has been more chal­leng­ing than hunt­ing ghosts, bat­tling demons and stalk­ing Sasquatch com­bined. Add in the fact that the only way they can keep their Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror show run­ning is to take on a third part­ner in the form of the mys­te­ri­ous Max­imus Jacobs — all while inves­ti­gat­ing a sin­is­ter voodoo sect in New Orleans — and you’ve got the per­fect South­ern storm and a recipe for dis­as­ter. Luck­ily, Dex has never been one to back down, even when his life –and heart — are on the line.

Come Alive is told from Dex’s POV.

Add it to good reads here:

Buy Links:

Our review:

Reviewed by Willow ~ 5 Stars just isn't enough!

**Warning - This review contains swearing - Well we are talking about Dex Foray!** 

Karina Halle you totally rock, that was definitely the best EiT book. Being in Dex's head is amazeballs. I've highlighted the Sh*t out of Come Alive because Dex is so awesome and there is soooo many good lines in there.

When I finally got my mitts on it (it was the longest week ever leading up to release, I just couldn't get my head into another book!) I then had to fight my husband for my iPad! He read the first page over my shoulder and the next thing I know my iPad has been ripped outta my hands and he's sat there reading it! He never reads but I guess when the first few words were "so f**king Horny" and then Dex proceeds to talk about Perry's "amazing tits that jostled with every turn" I'm not surprised by his sudden interest in reading!

So the book starts straight away after Into the Hollow, they are driving back home, Dex reflects on the last night in the motel room, which is kinda cool because you do get to know what was going through Dex's head leading up to and when Perry decides to join him in his room. Unfortunately they never had chance to discuss the events of the night as they've had to get up and deal with the police and fallout of the events with the sasquatch. Going back to Seattle things are a little awkward for a while, Dex doesn't know if she's still moving out or where they are headed.

I really enjoyed seeing them figure out their relationship here, Dex is ecstatic and wants to yell to the world that Perry is his, but Perry doesn't seem as she's ready for that, but they are at last both wanting to be in a relationship - something we EiT fans have been waiting for a long time!  There is a good dose of just Dex and Perry here and it's awesome!

But my good mood did not last long, with two people showing up I really don't like - Jenn

""Well, to what do we owe the honour of your presence?" I asked snidely. National slut Convention next door? Twatwaffles anonymous? "

Thankfully the bitch isn't around long though. But with Dex and Perry not having any footage of their sasquatch trip, Jimmy is not a happy bunny. He gives them an ultimatum, either EiT gets axed or they take on someone else onto the show with them - just one problem the "someone" is the Douchecanoe Maximus!!

Oh you know this is going to be good - Dex, Perry and Maximus going off together after everything has happened between them. With Maximus in charge they head off to New Orleans to investigate happenings in a derelict house. But there are rumours going around about an evil Voodoo sect creating Zombies and Maximus knows just who to talk to. A lady from his past, Rose. Rose gets the gang involved with a voodoo priestess and her assistant and they try to figure out who is responsible. Of course you know things are never going to go to plan with Dex and Perry involved.

During this time we get to find out about Rose and Maximus' history, and a lot more about Maximus, his past and why he's always around. Here's Dex's reaction:

This was just too f**king weird. F**ked up sprinkles on a slice of psycho sh*t cake

What was weird was that I found myself actually warming to ginger balls by the end of the book, now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I actually like Maximus, I never trusted him, hated him even at one point, but I also felt for him in this book and he is there for Dex when he needs him. Dex softens a bit to him too for a short time, even having a moment before Dex goes back to being Dex:

"F**k. I needed to get out of the room before I started having my period"

Lets just go back at bit though, I was merrily going along enjoying the book when at around 62% it seemed that Karina wanted to rip out my heart and crush it in her hands. I couldn't believe after everything Dex and Perry had been through I was reading this. WTH? I was scared to read on, I was concerned for my sanity, surely this couldn't be happening?

But I did continue, gingerly turning each page (yes I chose gingerly on purpose!), wondering what was going to happen next, but I didn't have a lot of time to think about it because it all kicked off with the gang in danger! 

I loved loved loved the ending, but I can't tell you about that ;-) you'll just have to read it and see!

So if you are reading this review but have not read the series, I cannot stress this enough. I left it a long time before starting these books - I didn't think I was into "paranormal/Horror" books so was put off and I guess really I'm still not in to paranormal books but I love this series. Ok so in every book they are investigating something paranormal, and yeah sometimes that stuff is weird, sometimes it scares the sh*t out of me (Dead Sky Morning!) but I love the story of the relationship with these two. It is long and there are many bumps along the way, but its also good that its not insta-jump into bed and insta-madly fall in love, I love the whole will they won't they?, will she forgive him?, can they ever be happy? Karina's writing is funny and witty and Dex is a real character. Book 1 Darkhouse is free right now so what have you got to lose? Give it a go kiddo :-) And to help you along, because I think this series awesome, I am doing a giveaway for books 2-4 in the series! See the bottom of the post for how to enter! 

About the Author: 

The daughter of a Norwegian Viking and a Finnish Moomin, Karina Halle grew up in Vancouver, Canada with trolls and eternal darkness on the brain. This soon turned into a love of all things that go bump in the night and a rather sadistic appreciation for freaking people out. Like many of the flawed characters she writes, Karina never knew where to find herself and has dabbled in acting, make-up artistry, film production, screenwriting, photography, travel writing and music journalism. She eventually found herself in the pages of the very novels she wrote (if only she had looked there to begin with).
Karina holds a screenwriting degree from Vancouver Film School and a Bachelor of Journalism from TRU. Her travel writing, music reviews/interviews and photography have appeared in publications such as Consequence of Sound, Mxdwn and GoNomad Travel Guides. She currently lives on an island on the coast of British Columbia where she's preparing for the zombie apocalypse.

Karina is represented by Scott Waxman of the Waxman Leavell Literary Agency

Author social media links:

Books in the Experiment in Terror Series

Darkhouse (#1)
Red Fox (#2)
The Benson (#2.5)
Dead Sky Morning (#3)
Lying Season (#4)
On Demon Wings (#5)
Old Blood (#5.5)
The Dex-Files (#5.7)
Into the Hollow (#6)
And With Madness Comes the Light (#6.5)
Come Alive (#7)
Ashes to Ashes (#8) ~ Coming winter 2013
Dust to Dust (#9) - Coming 2014

Our Reviews:

Experiment in Terror Books 1-5 ~ click here
Experiment in Terror Books 5.5 & 5.7 ~ click here 
Experiment in Terror Books 6 & 6.5 ~ click here 

Blog Giveaway:

As I say I love this series and think everyone should experience "Derry".  As Book 1 - Darkhouse is currently free I'm going to give one lucky reader ebooks 2-4 in the series. All you have to do is leave a blog post below before 3rd July telling me why you think you should win the ebooks, I will pick the winner ~ Willow. 

Tour Wide Giveaway (US ONLY)

Check out this awesome giveaway!

Click the link to enter:

Blog Tour hosted by: 
 (Click the images for blog tour schedule) 

Giveaway Winners Announced

Thank you to everyone who entered the Kahlen Aymes A Love Like This Giveaway.
The winners have been picked by they are:
1st Prize ~ Signed Set of The Remembrance Trilogy ~ Demitra Giote
Congratulations Demitra, Please email us within 48 Hours with your postal address
5 Runners up of A Love Like This ebook.
Heather Heath Mitchell
Stephanie Cobb
Kelly Kieran - Tannacore
Amanda Brown
Rhian Jones
Congratulations ladies please email us within 48 hours confirming your email address.
Thank you to everyone who entered our Bad Things by R K Lilley ebook giveaway.
The winner picked by is:
 Crystal Glenn.
Congratulations Crystal, please email us within 48 hours confirming your email address

Saturday 29 June 2013

Release Event & Giveaway ~ Damaged 2 by H M Ward

Today we are part of the Release Event for Damaged 2 by H M Ward. We have an excerpt, an ebook giveaway and a tour wide giveaway. 

Damaged 2 was released on 24th June. 

Book Blurb:
The steamy sequel to the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling New Adult novel DAMAGED by H.M. Ward.Home isn't supposed to be dangerous, but for Sidney it is. Returning home means that she has to face her past. It's not just the man who hurt Sidney that makes it horrible, but the family that didn't believe her. They were dead to her, but now that her mom is really dying things seem different. It's a chance to set things right.

What Sidney doesn't realize is that she's dragging Peter into a collision course with his past. Peter must deal with the demons haunting him if he wants to move forward with Sidney. He's willing to give up everything for her, even wade deeper into his past life to help her move forward. But, Peter isn't sure if he can get over what happened to him in New York.

Genre: New Adult Romance
Length: Novel, ~325 pgs
Sequel to the Bestselling phenomenon DAMAGED


Tension lines Peter’s neck and shoulders. His jaw shifts from side to side, like the conversation he just had pissed him off. His eyes flick up from the floor and meet mine. “My brother’s an asshole.”

I smile at him. “So is mine.”

Peter watches me for a moment and sighs. He runs his hands through his hair and stretches. The anger that was there washes away, but it’s not totally gone. “I need to tell you something.” The way he says it makes my stomach dip. The tone, and the way he looks away from me, sends a shiver down my spine.

Peter takes my hands and pulls me over to the couch. At first we’re seated next to each other and he’s holding my hand, but it’s like he can’t sit still. Peter is up and on his feet a few moments later, pacing. Every few seconds he tries to tell me something, but can’t choose the right words.

Peter makes an aggravated sound in the back of his throat. When he turns and looks at me, I know there’s something wrong. His dark brows lift and bunch together as his lips part. He stares at me for a moment, and then manages, “I didn’t want to bring this up, not now, but you need to know something about me.” He swallows hard and looks away.

I push off the couch and walk over to him. “You can tell me anything.” When I touch his arm, Peter jumps. It makes me nervous. Why is he acting this way? I grin at him. “You’re not the one who put the squirrel outside the bathroom window, are you?”

Peter snorts a surprised laugh and looks over at me. He takes me in his arms and pulls me to his chest. It feels so good, so safe.

He kisses the top of my head and says, “Do you know anything about the Ferro family?”

About the Author:

NEW YORK TIMES, USA TODAY, & WALL STREET JOURNAL Bestselling author H.M. Ward recently appeared in FORBES. Ward was also featured in the Washington Post for her debut novel. Romance series by H.M. Ward include Secrets, Scandalous, The Arrangement, and The Secret Life of Trystan Scott.

Author social media links:
Twitter: ; @hmward


Enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win an ebook of Damaged 2 by H M Ward.

Tour Giveaway:

Enter the Rafflecopter below for you chance to win this awesome prize (US ONLY)

Giveaway ~ Last Chance to enter ~ Breathing Series by Rebecca Donovan

It's your last chance to enter this giveaway for a signed set of Breathing Series books by Rebecca Donovan!

Friday 28 June 2013

Blog Tour ~ Bad Things by R K Lilley

Today we are on R K Lilley's Bad Things blog tour. We have a review, character profiles, playlist and giveaway and don't forget to check out the Facebook Blog Tour Celebration Event!

Danika hasn’t had an easy life. Being insanely attracted to bad boys has never helped make it easier.

One look at Tristan, and every brain cell she possessed went up in smoke. This man was trouble with a capital T. It was a given.

She knew better. Bad boys were bad. Especially for her. Considering her history, it was crazy to think otherwise. So why did crazy have to feel so damn fine?

For as long as she could remember, Danika had been focused on the future with single-minded purpose. Tristan came along and taught her everything there was to know about letting go, and living in the present. She fell, hard and deep. Of course, that only made her impact with the ground that much more devastating.

Reviewed by Donna ~ 5 Stars
I absolutely loved the Up in the Air series so was super excited when I heard that there was going to be a spin off series and had to get in there quick…if James Cavendish was anything to go by I couldn’t wait to see who we would get to read about next!! This book is about Danika and Tristan…if your memory needs a little jogging Danika was the girl that walked with a limp, Tristan was the magician at the club, she and Tristan used to be together but weren’t at the time, she had forgiven him but not forgotten and we knew that her limp had something to do with Tristan, they were both friends of James and Bianca. (I must admit, I did have to go back and double check these little deets!!).
Well, this book starts before then, when Danika and Tristan first met and we still don’t know how she got the limp!!
Danika was the live in nanny for Jerry, Jerry brings Tristan home with him to crash for a week or two whilst his new apartment is being finished, they both take an instant liking/lusting to each other, but soon get on so well they become firm friends. Tristan makes it clear from the start that he is not interested in relationships, he is more a casual hookup kind of guy, Danika makes it clear that she is only a relationship kind of girl so they both agree that they will be best friends and not let their attraction for each other get in the way. Tristan makes up a set of rules they must follow to ensure that the boundaries are not crossed. It soon becomes clear that neither of them can possibly stick to the list of rules and they are crossed on more than one occasion. Can they make a relationship work??
Danika was lovely, she had a great sense of humour, was an amazing dancer, was super sexy even though she didn’t know it, honest, caring and loved being part of a family even though it wasn’t her own. She hadn’t had a great childhood herself and was estranged from her family so Jerry’s were her adopted ones.
Tristan, he was sex on legs and he knew it, I knew that he must have been burned in the past to make him the way he was and he had by “Twatalie” what a fab name!!! He kept pulling back from Danika because he not only loved her but he loved her as a person and did not want to lose her friendship, he kept thinking that the sex would get in the way of that and ruin it and he treasured her friendship so much he would rather forego the relationship and be happy with that. Once Danika started showing an interest in others he soon realised that he couldn’t carry on and this was the momentum he needed to make a move.
This is a fab read and if I am totally honest I actually think I preferred this story to the Up In The Air series…I know SHOCKER!!! James Cavendish does appear in this book so for you James fans do not despair, he is in it!! I loved that Frankie was in it too, she was the tattoo artist and she soon becomes friends with Danika, she is just what she needed!! I adored Jared, Tristan’s brother and was sad that he never got his HEA but that is another story.
I am now seriously scared for the next instalment, it is obvious something bad happens for their relationship to be in the state it is in the Up In The Air series and I am really dreading reading how she gets her limp…they are seriously perfect for each other and I sincerely hope that no matter the obstacles and whatever has happened they can get through it.
Fab read, highly recommended!
 Amazon UK:


R.K. Lilley lives in Colorado with her husband and their two beautiful sons. She's had a lot of interesting jobs, from being a first class flight attendant, to being a stablehand, but swears she never knew what hard work was until she had children. She's been addicted to both reading and writing fiction since she can remember. She loves to travel, read, hike, paint, game, watch anime, and make the most of every single day. She is the author of the erotic romance novels In Flight, Mile High, Grounded, and the novella, Lana.
Author Links:

 We've got an ebook of Bad Things by R K Lilley to giveaway, But be quick - the giveaway will be up for today only! 

Tour hosted by:

Click picture for the tour schedule

Join the Facebook blog tour celebration here:

News ~ Worthy of Redemption L.D Davis

Release Date: July 23, 2013

After his devastating actions in Accidentally On Purpose, Kyle Sterling is trying to move on. He has lost the love of his life and he does not believe he is worthy of ever being loved again.
Lily Whitman has been devastated by the ultimate betrayal and later tragedy hits her heart full force. She doubts she will ever be able to give her heart to anyone again. She hides her own demons behind a wall of colorful hair, piercings, tattoos and a style and attitude that is all her own.
Kyle and Lily find themselves thrown together when Lily takes a position at Sterling Corporation after her place of employment burned to the ground. Lily is the complete opposite of the type of woman that Kyle has ever had any interest in. Lily is rough around the edges and challenges Kyle at every step. Despite his dick-like disposition and violent past, Lily fights to prove to Kyle that he is worthy – of being loved, and worthy of redemption, but Kyle is afraid of repeating history and he can’t let go of his past…And maybe a very important someone from his past isn’t ready to let go yet either….

#YACrushTourney #TeamDank

Willow is supporting Dank Walker in the YA Crush Tourney and today is his first match. We need you to vote for him!
Who is Dank Walker?
Dank Walker aka Death is from Abbi Glines Existence Trilogy.
Book 1 - Existence
Book 2 - Predestined
Book - 2.5 Leif
Book 3 - Ceaseless
Why vote for him?
Just listen to what Michelle Flick, Advocate for Dank has to say:
Hi everyone! I am so excited to representing Dank today! I started reading about Dank about a year ago I would say, and well, let's face it. He's hot; he can sing and he's death. Yeah - Death - talk about bad ass.

Personality: He's pretty honest and upfront. For the most part, each character who has a run in with Dank knows where they stand with him. The only time he withholds anything is when it might effect/affect Pagan in some way. He writes music from his heart. Dank has a sarcastic side, that isn't abrasive, but just enough to tease Pagan. He takes his "work" seriously and after his love with Pagan, understands what he is doing more clearly, so he is willing to grow (how many guys really are?) 

Looks: Bluer than blue eyes. So blue that they have been referred to as gems. Look at the covers. Those babies pop. He also has black, not too long hair, that curls on the ends. A sultry smirk reserved only for Pagan and a dimple. Just one, sinisterly cute dimple. Smoking hot body. Did I mention his blue eyes? 

Talents: Besides easing people into their deaths? He serenades (and well, like soothingly and sensually) his girlfriend Pagan with a guitar and lullabies that he has written about how she has saved him. I mean, what girl doesn't want that? I do. 

Special Attributes/Best Qualities: One of my favorite qualities about him is his compassion. He can be a tough, I know that, but he can be so sweet and he doesn't have to be. For example, there was a little girl in EXISTENCE and he talked to the little girl and tried to make dying easier and made it a beautiful process. He didn't have to. His compassion extends farther than Pagan. Then there is that whole he is Death thing. Ya know - no biggie. Or the fact that he is a deity. 

Anything else? This year, with the help of my street team (WHO ARE AWESOME) and the great Abbi Glines, I have added some other reader's favorite qualities, moments, and quotes. 

One of my favorite quotes: “He's already proven he'll defy Heaven to keep her. If Hell wants a piece of him too, then bring it on.”  SWOON!

Two Responses from Abbi Glines! 
What are some of your favorite things about Dank? 
He holds the key to life or death in his hands yet he becomes as weak as a human when he falls for Pagan. There is something about watching a Deity act like a mortal because of love that gets to you. One of the reasons I love Greek Mythology. 

And why was he a fun character to write? Because he wasn't a man. He was something that every human fears but they know they will meet one day. Writing him with emotions and giving him a voice was almost comforting in a way. 

From the Greedy Booker - (and a quote I love) - “I’m not a man so I do not have a heart that loves as a human does. I’m an immortal god that dwells with supreme power because I hold the keys to Death. But you are my existence. I am yours.”- Existence

From Jorie Sus- Confronting Ghede with the Warriors threatening to destroy voodoo if he doesn't release Pagan's soul - (I have to say I loved this too. BAD ASS and it reminded me of how tough Dank is.)

From Erica Cope "It's the scene where Pagan is home from dress shopping and Dank comments on the pale pink dress then....
Both his hands gripped my waist pulling me hard up against his body. "You tempt me. I can't be tempted. I'm not made to be tempted but you, Pagan Moore, you tempt me."
Then he goes on to say:
"I didn't understand it at first. But now I know. It's your soul calling to me. Souls mean nothing to me. They aren't supposed to. But yours has become my obsession."
Totaly swoonworthy moment for me. :)
What's better than having a sexy rockstar serenade you in your sleep? :)

Kayla -  Okay, seriously, this year's tourney is full of total hotness & it was hard to choose which fella I wanted to support. I decided Dank was my man this year to support because, well, what's hotter than the baddest guy ever (hello - he's DEATH) who also plays the guitar plus sings & loves fiercely!

Willow D - “I realised you owned me one night in this room. I was singing to you and you were sleeping. You made a little noise in your sleep like you were distressed and I panicked and ran to your side. You grabbed my arm in your sleep and pulled it up against your face and went back to sleep. I didn't want to ever move.”

So if you love Dank or just fell in love with him, support us! Tweet for #TeamDank, on facebook, on your blog and where ever else!

BIG NEWS!!! Abbi is donating 15 copies of Existence for the Tourney with some swag AND has agreed to write a novella for Dank and Pagan after Ceaseless. It will be free if Dank wins the tourney. And people, lets be honest, if you have read the series, why wouldn't you vote for him? 

Now you've heard from Michelle how about a Dank Walker Song?

What are you waiting for? Vote Dank Now!

Thursday 27 June 2013

Blitz Tour ~ Rockin' the Boss by Jamie Salisbury


The adventure begins…

Max Frazier may be a stunningly handsome international rock star, but he has other hidden talents from his past. Talents the authorities want him to use. Talents Max thought of as one hit wonders and wanted to keep in his past.
His smokin' hot employer, Ashleigh Thomas, is unaware of his past with the S.A.S. Recently widowed, she yearns to bring the entertainment agency she and her late husband owned out of ruins, with Max's help. Together they embark on a once in a lifetime deal for Max.

Will their mutual attraction for the other turn to fire, or will it burn to ashes once Ashleigh learns the truth? As she and Max find themselves helping the authorities bring in a figure from Ashleigh's past…will love trump evil?

Inside the apartment, Max poured us both a brandy as we sat next to each other on the overstuffed sofa. “Ashleigh, I need to tell you something.”
Suddenly, I could feel something in the air. “What Max?” I know what’s coming. Perhaps not the words, but the context of what he was about to say.
He leaned closer and took my hand. “I know at this phase of our lives, we’re both beyond the game playing we did when we were in our twenties. I’m attracted to you, Ashleigh…a lot. I want to make love to you. Very much so.”
He kept his focus on my face and squeezed my hand. I stared into his eyes. I felt a modest smile form as it crossed my lips, and I squeezed back. “I would like that too.”
Placing his snifter on the table beside me, Max leaned over and softly kissed my lips before possessing them with his. His tongue probed and licked before he parted them, searching and exploring my mouth. When our tongues met, it was like sparks ignited and a fire ensued. The endless tangle left us both breathless.
When we broke apart, he took the glass still in my hand and placed it next to his. He stood, guided me to my feet, and without another word, led me down the hall to the bedroom.

Amazon UK:
Barnes & Noble: 
Secret Cravings:
All Romance Ebooks: 

Jamie Salisbury cannot imagine a time when she did not write. A skill that has served her well throughout her diversified professional career that encompassed public relations in and around the entertainment industry, photography, editing, and special event planning.

An avid reader of history, biographies, and romance it's only natural that she prefers to write  romances with characters said to be "so authentic they spring forth from the page and shake the reader's hand." No stranger to life threatening situations Jamie pulls from life experience when she creates her stories. Such as when her family had to escape Chile when she was a teen because of the unstable political climate.

Finding herself unable to walk great distances  as a result of  several foot surgeries, she started writing once again as a way to pass the time. With the completion of her first novel Perpetual Love she dove head first into the eBook and digital publishing paradigm. She couldn't be happier with her decision to grab the publishing industry by the shoulders and force it to pay attention to all she has to offer.

Contact Links
Romance Novel Center:
Twitter: @JamieRSalisbury

US ONLY: Jamie will be awarding a $25.00 gift card to Amazon or B&N to a randomly drawn commenter at the end of the tour, plus a gift basket to another randomly drawn winner at the end of the tour. So leave a blog post comment below!
You can leave a comment on each of the tour stops to increase your chances of winning!
or follow on Facebook:

Giveaway Reminder ~ Breathing Series by Rebecca Donovan

Don't forget to enter our giveaway for a signed set of the Breathing Series Books by Rebecca Donovan!

Wednesday 26 June 2013

#NACrushTourney #TEAMLUCAS Street Team wanted

We have been selected as the new advocate for Lucas in the New Adult Crush Tourney. 

Lucas is from Easy by Tammara Webber. 

We are looking for a Street Team to help spread the word & support us in the Tourney. 

We have just been selected and all the other advocates have had a head start so we need to work hard to catch up. 

Lucas' first match is 2nd July, but we need your help now! 

We especially need bloggers & Facebook groups to help us, but any fan welcome :-) 

If you are interested please email us If you are a blog or have a Facebook page, please let us know in your email. Please put #NACrushTourney #TEAMLUCAS in the email subject so we can pick it up easily. 

Thank you!