Damien Stark is backkkkk, this book carries on from the other two, Damien is in Germany sorting out his legal problems, he and Nikki are couped up in their hotel room whilst Damien is awaiting his court case to start. They are both still madly in love with each other and we are left hoping that the strain of this does not ruin what they have. Damien is being his usual self and keeping everything close to his chest trying not to worry Nikki, but Nikki knows him better than that and she keeps him talking and getting him to vent. She tries to persuade him to do whatever necessary to keep himself out of prison and as we know, Damien does not want to do this.
Nikki is still being harassed but she keeps it to herself as she feels that Damien has enough on his plate to deal with, she feels that these are the least of her problems. They still have the sizzling chemistry and the bedroom scenes or wherever else scenes are seriously smoking as usual…as we know, these two do have a lot of sex so be prepared…I am not a fan of gratuitous sex for the shock factor but as we know, for these two it is their coping mechanism and it tied into the story beautifully, but it is there in abundance so get your fans ready, you will need cooling down!!
Here are some of my favourite quotes…
“I want to hold you close. To cherish and protect you. To draw you in until we are so close that I am lost within you. I want to take you to bed, to watch the way your skin tightens beneath my fingers, the way your body awakens under my touch. I want to trail kisses over you until you are lost in so much pleasure that you don’t know where you end and I begin. I want to tie you up and f**k you until there is no doubt you are mine. I want to dress you up and take you out, and show you off, this beautiful, vibrant, brilliant woman. Everything I’ve built? All my companies? All my billions? They have no value compared to you.”
“You’re what gives me strength. If I am what centers you, Nikki, then you are what anchors me. Every time I touch you, every time I bury myself deep inside you-Nikki don’t you see? You are the talisman of my life, and if I lose my grip on you, then I have lost myself.”
“I love you Nikki. I will always fight for you.”
We do get answers in this book and they are revealed slowly so you never know the whole story until the end, I must admit I was shocked when the stalker was revealed, I never saw it coming. I do feel that these two deserved an epilogue as I am anxious to see how it all pans out for them going forward. I have already harassed J Kenner and all I got was “nothing planned but never say never”…well I am begging for the never to never happen and for her to get writing some more Damien and Nikki. It is a natural ending for the two so don’t think their story is not complete, but I was just not ready for it to be finished.
A brilliant ending to a fab series!
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