Baby Series 'Lite' is the anniversary edition of last fall’s Baby Series by Andrea Smith.
These Lite editions have been condensed from the originals to accommodate those readers who prefer a shorter read. The essence of the story is the same, but its length has been edited and bonus chapters added on Book 2 and 3!
These Lite editions have been condensed from the originals to accommodate those readers who prefer a shorter read. The essence of the story is the same, but its length has been edited and bonus chapters added on Book 2 and 3!
**Please note when reading the reviews they may contain spoilers to the previous books**
Book 1 ~ Maybe Baby 'Lite'
Book Description:

When college student Tylar Preston goes to work for the wealthy Sinclair family stables the summer of her senior year, she quickly meets with unexpected events and the disturbing unraveling of her past. Is her past destined to taint her future?
Pulling Tylar from unspeakable danger, Trey Sinclair, an arrogant high-powered attorney makes it his mission to protect the innocent and unworldly young woman from the dreams that haunt her. Spirited and independent, Tylar proves to be a challenge to the stubborn and unyielding young lawyer. Together their often bumpy journey weaves itself mysteriously, comically, passionately and erotically down a path that promises to engage and move the reader in this emotionally stirring story.
For anyone who has ever been in love or in lust, 'Maybe Baby Lite will stir those forgotten feelings of passion and emotion within you; making you ageless as you travel the romantic and erotic journey with Tylar and Trey unraveling the secrets of their past.
This book is intended for mature audiences.
Find it on Goodreads here:
Our Review:
Reviewed by Donna ~ 4 Stars
“My lips wanted him to kiss me, my heart wanted him to love me, and my hormones, well they were all about him spanking me at the moment.”
I read the original Maybe Baby many moons ago and absolutely fell in love with Trey and Tylar. So much so I had to read all the books back to back. I was a bit surprised when Andrea condensed them as I felt the originals were fine as they were, although they were really long, they didn’t read long so I was worried that some of that magic may have disappeared, but I had no reason to worry! I could tell that it had been stripped but it didn’t detract from the story at all.
Tylar Preston had a very rough upbringing, her mother was awful, her father was absent and she was dealt a tough deck of cards. This only made Tylar more resilient and determined not to become the woman her mother was.
I read the original Maybe Baby many moons ago and absolutely fell in love with Trey and Tylar. So much so I had to read all the books back to back. I was a bit surprised when Andrea condensed them as I felt the originals were fine as they were, although they were really long, they didn’t read long so I was worried that some of that magic may have disappeared, but I had no reason to worry! I could tell that it had been stripped but it didn’t detract from the story at all.
Tylar Preston had a very rough upbringing, her mother was awful, her father was absent and she was dealt a tough deck of cards. This only made Tylar more resilient and determined not to become the woman her mother was.
“I have a shitty mother, so what? A lot of kids grow up with shitty mothers and absent fathers. I guess we can’t all be brought up with perfect parents, perfect educations, and perfect lives! Some of us simply do the best we can with the cards we’re dealt!”
Tylar takes a summer job at “Sinclair Stables”, she is a college student and is doing really well for herself, she is excited with this job as she absolutely adores horses, so this is going to be a summer spent doing what she loves rather than feeling like work. It is while working at the stables Tylar comes across Trey Sinclair (swoon)!!
Trey Sinclair is one alpha male, he is a very successful businessman in his own right, he is gorgeous, super sexy, a tad arrogant and everyone is scared of him! Why I ask myself?? He is a pussycat really!! The stables belong to his parents but he is keeping an eye on things for them during the summer.
When Trey and Tylar come face to face for the first time, both are taken aback by the instant attraction. It is not acted upon immediately, so no real instalust, but you feel the build up. The sexual chemistry is scorching, it radiates off the page. Trey is a stranger to these feelings and never thought he would be in this position. It takes him a while to compute, but once his mind catches up to his nether regions, the book just heats up a few more notches. Seriously, Andrea Smith can write CHEMISTRY!!I absolutely loved this couple and was willing them along from start to finish.
"Tylar, I want to make love to you more than anything that I've ever wanted. You understand that, right?"
"Finally, and this part's a deal breaker. Once we do this, you're mine, do you understand?"
This book takes us on the voyage of discovery of their relationship, it has many ups and downs and twists and turns, but is a fabulous read. Tylar was a bit immature in the beginning and could be frustrating at times, but by the middle she somewhat came into her own and new Tylar was born. A lot of her insecurities and worries stem from her childhood and whilst you feel sorry for her I just wanted her to realise her future was hers for the making and taking, not determined by her past. Once she had her “Eureka” moment she became a totally different and loveable character. I cannot gush enough about Trey in this as I said before super hot and super alpha, but you did get to see his softer side during this book, he may be Mr Dominating but he had a serious weak spot for Tylar and it was lovely to read. I could feel their passion, at times I lived it…it was seriously that good.
In summary this is a fab story about romance, hot sexy times, suspense and what I hope is a “forever” kind of love. It is a wonderful journey that you could tell was written from the heart and with passion. I love Andrea Smith’s writing, have read all her books and have never been disappointed, she sure knows how to write a great story! They are captivating reads that you cannot put down, her characters become friends and you just get swept away. Totally loved it!
Book 2 - Baby Love 'Lite'
Book Description:
This second volume in the series finds Trey and Tylar the proud parents of a child. They are in love and their relationship is blossoming, but soon Tylar discovers that her nightmarish past will continue to haunt and threaten her new found happiness with her family. She fears for the safety of her baby and the sanity of herself.
There are many surprises in store not only for Trey and Tylar; but for Gina (Ty’s friend) and Tristan (Trey’s brother) as well. Will the love and intimacy they share be enough to bond them even closer or will their pasts tear them apart?
This book is intended for mature audiences.
Find it on Goodreads:
Our Review:
Reviewed by Donna ~ 4 Stars
“I’d never felt this kind of love before. It was a different kind of love than what I had for Trey. It’d been so immediate and so strong from the beginning. It was so unconditional, this baby love.”
This is the continuation of the love story that is Trey and Tylar. Now the proud parents of baby Preston their lives have changed and will never be the same again. Preston has made such an impression on them and their lives, their relationship is still on the up and the love between them is seriously infectious.
Now that Tylar is a parent herself and she has experienced the overwhelming love you have for a child she cannot help but wonder what went wrong with her own life and her own mother. She had never had that relationship with her mother.
“I thought about my mother and wondered why she’d never felt that “baby love” for me.”
They also have to deal with the changes within their relationship now that Preston is here, Tylar sometimes fears she is failing as any new mother does but Trey is always there to lift her spirits and keep her on the straight and narrow.
“Sweetie, you’ve not neglected me at all, okay? I’m so proud of what a great mother you are to our baby; you’re going to be a fantastic wife and lover to me as well. This is all new to you, sweetie…I feel like I’ve expected too much from you. I’m sorry, really sorry. I’ve been selfish, I know.”
After digging deeper into her history Tylar discovers some really disturbing things about her past and her situation suddenly becomes a lot more clearer. Things that have happened in the past suddenly have a lot more clarity and whilst it still does not excuse what happened at least she gets a sense of understanding, the benefit of this is that this brings somebody new into Tylars life. I for one was so glad that she got the opportunity.
This book is one amazing roller coaster ride, as usual intertwined with the love and smexy times that we love and associate with Andrea Smith, we have kidnappings, murders, angst, suspense, twists and turns, ups and downs, round and rounds, it was a lot to take in but it kept me hooked and on the edge of my seat at ALL times! This was one seriously mad crazy train! I would go into detail but I don’t want to spoil it for you so am keeping my lips zipped, but you will just have to read for yourselves, you will not be disappointed.
In this book I loved that we got closer to other characters, in particular Tristan and Gina. I can’t wait to read more about them going forward. I have absolutely loved the Sinclair family, as you are reading you feel like one of them and can’t help but be drawn into their little family unit.
I can’t leave out my man, actually “the man” Trey Sinclair, have I said I absolutely adore this man…he is LUSH!! I love their relationship so much, you can’t help but feel the love oozing off the page.
“I want to make love to you, baby,” he whispered against my lips. “What if I want to f**k?” I teased. “I’m fairly certain that we can accommodate both, Mrs Sinclair.”
Can’t wait for the next one, totally in love with this series. Fab job Andrea Smith!!
Book 3 - Be My Baby 'Lite'
It has been a mostly bumpy road thus far, but they have always managed to find the strength they needed in each other... however, their relationship will soon be put to the ultimate test.
Trey and Tylar will discover that there are those who are willing to destroy the loving relationship they have by death or at the very least, infidelity. Their love and commitment to each other is put to a tragic test. Will they be able to survive the unexpected hardship that befalls them? Will the strength of their love, the depth of their commitment to each other and the ability to forgive draw them ever closer or break them apart forever?
This book is intended for mature audiences.
Our Review
Reviewed by Donna ~ 5 Stars
“That’s when I knew I loved you, Tylar. That’s when I knew I wanted you to be my baby forever. I didn’t even know you but I loved you – crazy stuff huh?”
I am sad, so very sad, Tylar and Treys story is finished and I don’t want it to be!! I want to read about them forever!! I have loved this couple from the get go and it always puts me on a downer when it finishes..I may have to bribe Andrea to write more…I am not ready for my, yes MY Trey to leave me just yet!!
This is by far the best one of the series and boy did Andrea put us through the wringer to get to the end of their story. I cried a lot in this book, those heart wrenching guttural tears, I couldn’t believe what I was reading at times.
Everything is running smoothly in the beginning and then wham, it all goes tits up! Suffice to say, both Trey and Tylar made mistakes in this book. I could have screamed…in fact I think I did, several times.
Both Gina and Tylar now have their babies and Tylar is pregnant again, she has a tough pregnancy this time and this puts her through the mill both physically and emotionally, add to that pregnancy hormones and we have an unhappy Tylar.
This book is extremely intense, we have love, loss, grief, forgiveness, enough angst to sink a battleship but once again an extremely engaging story. Another one that I could not put down! Just when you think that all is happy in the world something else happens and you are left reeling, will this couple get their HEA? After everything they have been through you just want them to be happy and have that perfect little family.
We all deal with things differently and this is shown throughout this book, but this is what makes the story all the more believable. We finally see that Trey and Tylar do not have the perfect relationship, whilst it was hard to read about, again it was real. The good thing being is that they both fought for it, but not before putting me through the wringer to get there.
“I love you Trey,” I said as I met his gentle thrusting with my own. “It’s always been you and only you.” I buried my face against his shoulder; tears ran down my cheeks as he continued to pleasure me with his body. He pulled back from me; his lips captured my tears as his sapphire blue eyes looked into my soul. “I love you, Tylar,” he said huskily.
Despite the heavy storylines and the emotional and mental turmoil that you go through whilst reading this book, Andrea has still given us the usual romance, love and smexy times interspersed throughout all that “heavy stuff.”
I originally read the full length version of this series so I will leave you with my comments I made after finishing this the first time as I feel that truly reflects my emotional fragility at the time.
Loved Loved Loved it...what an ending and I am so upset that this has finished :-( I love Trey and Tylar and would love to read more about them, I could read on and on and on...well this book started as it meant to go on 6% in I am sobbing...those big guttural sobs....30% I am screaming NOOOOOOOOOOO about 90% in more guttural sobbing....I am an official emotional wreck after devouring this book... the course of true love never runs smooth and for Trey and Tylar nothing changes, but the chemistry between them is palpable and I so wanted my HEA for them, for me, for my heart and for my emotional wellbeing!! I will not give a detailed storyline as it needs to be read to be believed but I thoroughly enjoyed this last instalment and I am devastated that there will be no more....unless I can blackmail Andrea Smith into carrying on........hmmmmmmmm.
And there you have it…go read and devour this series, you are in for one hell of a ride but it is a truly brilliant series!
I love you, Trey
I love you, Tylar
Gonna miss you, Trey
Gonna miss you, Tylar
OMG seriously, the series has finished!!!!! Noooooooo, I need more…
Book 3.5 ~ Baby Come Back 'Lite'
Book Description:
‘Baby Come Back Lite’ is the final installment in the 'Baby Series Lite'. This novella follows Trey’s brother Tristan and Ty’s best friend Gina. It is written from Gina's point of view, providing insight into her past and secrets that she has shared with no one.
Unfortunately, events unfold which force Gina to come to terms with unresolved issues from her past that have hindered her ability to love and trust unconditionally. Tristan also has something to share with Gina as their relationship reaches a new level.
This story overlaps with ‘Baby Love Lite’ (book 2) and ‘Be My Baby Lite’ (book 3). It mainly focuses on the events of Gina and Tristan, but manages to shed light and further clarify Trey and Ty’s story, wrapping up the series about the Sinclair’s.
This book is intended for mature audiences.
Our Review
Reviewed by Donna ~ 3.5 Stars
“It seemed like there was always someone nearby wanting to piss on my cornflakes.”
I loved seeing the background into the enigma that was Gina. We didn’t really understand her through books 2 and 3 and this novella is where all the blanks are filled in.
We eventually get to hear her back story and at times it is not pleasant but it does go some way into making you understand why she is who she is. It is just up to Tristan now to help her forget and heal. During this story, despite the ups and downs you get to see that he is doing a really good job of it by the end!!
“Oh God,” he rasped, his voice was now thick with emotion, “I love you, baby. You’re my life.”
It was great to be reminded of the goings on that happened in books 2 and 3 from a different perspective, although these were not in depth you still got the opinions and it was intriguing to say the least. Gina is quite a complex character and it was great to understand her train of thought behind some of the things she did and said in the previous books.
Tristan is totally adorable, (although he doesn’t hold a candle to my Trey) it does take him time to sit back and digest and think things through but once he has dealt with things mentally he just throws himself back into the ring and deals, conquers and saves!
“That would mean it was truly over and it couldn’t be. My mind was screaming, “Baby Come Back!”.”
This was a great wrap to the series and I loved the epilogue, we still got to see glimpses of Trey and Tylar and the others which made my day. I think this story needed to be told and was glad that Andrea did. It made me understand Gina so much more and I can now actually relate to her, whereas before that was always a bit difficult.
I actually would have liked to read a bit more on these two, I felt some things were introduced and finished a bit too quick and so for that reason I have given it a 3.5 but I have loved this series so much. I cannot recommend it highly enough. Whether you read the full version or the Lite version you will not be disappointed especially if you are a sucker from romance books like I am.
Baby Series Buy Links:
Maybe Baby:
Amazon UK:
Baby Love:
Amazon UK:
Be My Baby:
Amazon UK:
Baby Come Back:
About the Author:

two grown sons; grandmother of four. The 'Baby Series' trilogy is Ms. Smith's first self-
published work. Having previously been employed as an executive for a global corporation, Ms.
Smith decided to leave the corporate world and pursue her life-long dream of writing fiction.
Favorite Quote: "You'll have to forgive me for speaking my mind, but I happen to believe that's
what it's for."~Lauren Bacall
what it's for."~Lauren Bacall
Favorite Author(s): Harper Lee, Kathleen Woodiwiss, E.L. James, Daphne du Maurier, Emily
Bronte, Betty Smith, William Inge
Favorite Classics: To Kill a Mockingbird; A Tree Grows in Brooklyn; My Cousin Rachel;
Wuthering Heights, Splendor in the Grass
Favorite Historical Romances: The Flame and the Flower; The Wolf and the Dove; Shanna; Ashes in the Wind. [Woodiwiss]
Favorite Current Day Fiction: The Twilight Series, Fifty Shades Trilogy, Wallbanger
All Time Favorite HR Hero: Ruark Beauchamp in 'Shanna' (Kathleen Woodiwiss)
All Time Favorite Alpha Male: Wulfgar of Normandy in 'The Wolf and the Dove' (Kathleen Woodiwiss)
Favorite Books without a 'HEA': Gone with the Wind; The Way we Were; Splendor in the Grass
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