Emma decided to skip the gym and went home early. It was the last easy decision she made because she found her roommate being raped by the boyfriend. She had two choices. Call the cops and be killed by his family’s mafia connections or kill him first and hope to survive. There was no choice to her. She killed the bastard first and went to the one person who could protect her. Carter Reed. He’s a weapon for the rivaling mafia family, but he’s also Emma’s secret. Not only was he best friends with her brother, but she’s the reason he became that weapon in the first place.
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"Tell me what happened." His plea was so soft.
I broke. This wasn't the stranger anymore. This was Carter, the boy I had grown up with. I flung my arms around him and pulled him down. Instead of fighting, I clung to him now.
He wrapped his arms around me and rolled to his side. He patted my back and tucked his head into the crook of my neck and shoulder. I felt his lips brush there as he repeated, "You have to tell me. I won't hurt you. I will protect you."
A shudder went through my body. At last. Those were the words I was desperate for. He moved his hands, one sliding down to my hip and the other cradling the back of my head, he pressed into me. The last of my reserve fled then. A gasp escaped me and I pressed against him. I needed him.
Shame flooded me. He knew. What kind of person was I? Fighting, running away, and then starting to tremble in his arms?
His hand started to caress my hip. His fingers slid underneath my shirt and moved under my pants' waistband. He held me there, his hand splayed out. I tried to resist, but I wanted to wind my legs around him. I wanted to pull him on top of me and feel his hand between my legs. But I didn't do anything. I lay there, still, as my heart pounded inside of me. He could feel the beat against him. The thumping drowned everything else out.
He pressed a soft kiss to my forehead and raised himself up again. He looked down at me. The plea in his eyes was still there. As he brushed some of my hair from my forehead, he asked, "Do you not trust me?"
I nodded. "I'm scared of you."
A small grin appeared at the corners of his mouth. "You are?"
"I don't know who you are anymore." I couldn't believe I was admitting any of that, but I needed to trust someone. I had to if I was going to survive what I had done. Feeling a little bit brave, I touched his chest. My hand spread out like his was on my back. His heart was steady. I murmured, "I know who you are. I know you're the Cold Killer. I know what you did for AJ." A tear slipped from the corner of my eye. It fell unheeded. "I always wanted to thank you for that."
Our Review:
Reviewed by Donna ~ 5 Stars
**ARC Received for honest review**
“This,” he growled in a whisper against my lips. “This is what I wanted that night. I couldn’t help myself and I had to taste you, but tonight is the night I really have you. You’re mine, Emma. You always have been.”
Tijan has done it again, this author has never failed me. I absolutely loved this book and I absolutely adore Carter Reed. Seriously, you could not help but fall in love with this man.
Emma has been on her own for a while, when she was younger she was shuffled from foster home to foster home but she always had her brother AJ for company. Unfortunately, AJ became embroiled with the mob and was murdered for his troubles so Emma had to quickly adapt to being alone. For years she had got on with her life and was doing really well for herself. She had a flat with a girlfriend and a good job.
One night that all changed and Emma would be forever worrying about her actions, she was scared and alone and was panicking. What should she do, should she run, stay, fight or die even?? Sounds melodramatic but once you read and see what her situation is, you become frightened for her. One thing that keeps coming to the forefront of her thoughts was something her brother said.
“No matter who knocks on the door, you don’t answer it. You don’t trust anyone, no one except Carter. Go to Carter. He’ll take care of you, Ems. I promise.”
Emma knew Carter from when she was younger, she had secretly crushed on the guy for as long as she could remember but he was AJ’s best friend, but more like a brother. When they were in foster care he was always with them, they were inseperable. But she was so wary, he was well known, he had worked his way up the ranks in the mob and was a force to be reckoned with. He was intimidating, people ran when he walked in a room, but he was extremely resourceful, powerful and a well respected business man…but mostly, he was extremely hot!! Smoking hot!! Pantie combusting, smoking hot!! Emma had always felt a connection to him but it was something that was never acted upon and she was wary of being able to cope with seeing him again.
“I know who you are, Carter. I’m the only one who knows you.”
Carter Reed oozes sex appeal, he is extremely good looking, well built and ripped (he is a trained fighter). He is also extremely private. He knows he draws attention but tries to slink into the background...he doesn’t want to be noticed. He is dangerous, he is cool and he is calculating, he doesn’t have a conscience and he only has one Achilles Heel…Emma! Carter has always loved and wanted Emma, but he needed her to want him, he was a patient man, he would bide his time. He knew that she was the one for him and was willing to wait. He knew the day would come and now that she had come to him, he was not willing to let her go.
“I have always loved you.” Another kiss. “I will always love you, Emma. There’s no other for me.”
I can’t say too much about the story as it would spoil it and this is one of those books that you have to start and savour for yourself. Tijan has done an amazing job of drawing the reader in and the build up throughout this book is captivating, I could not put it down. The book is packed with emotion, you will experience it all from anger, fear, angst, passion and love. The chemistry between Carter and Emma is seriously off the charts and it radiates from the page, you are totally sucked in to their relationship and you can’t help but will them on through their battles and their relationship. This was one dynamic duo that I was truly rooting for.
“I looked without thinking and was caught by his gaze. He had captured me, my body and mind. As a sob rose in my throat, my body betrayed me. It softened underneath his holds. The fight was leaving me and it was being replaced with desire.”
I know I have rambled about Carter, well who wouldn’t…he is totally A-MA-ZING!! But I will have to say that Emma is one of the best female leads that I have read about for a long time, she wasn’t whiney, when she had good reason to be., she picked herself up, dusted herself off and went with the flow. No matter what was thrown at her, she dealt and played a blinding hand. It was great to read about such a strong woman. The change in her throughout the book was totally believable, she moulded to her new life brilliantly and seamlessly without moaning. She had a few moments, but that was a minor adjustment.
All I can say is Carter, you can watch over me anytime and I really mean anytime!! He has just climbed into my top book boyfriends and I really hope that this is not the end of Carter Reed. I could read about him FOR-EV-ER…I am even willing to beg Tijan for more…(although can you finish Fallen Crest first ;-) I am missing Mason too!!)
Amazing book, totally loved it and highly recommended. No woman should go without a bit of Carter Reed in her life!!
Phew…seriously…Carter, Carter oi…I’m over here…yes…here!!!
Well played Tijan, another fantastic read!
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Amazon.com: http://amzn.to/GBLGrP
Amazon.co.uk: http://amzn.to/1aa52gt
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GOODREADS AUTHOR :http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4851199.Tijan
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