Friday 6 December 2013

Friday Frights ~ PNR ~ Lover Awakened (Black Dagger Brotherhood 3) by JR Ward

Reviewed by Shirley ~ 5 Stars

This book is the third of that sensationally erotic Brotherhood series. It is about the vampire warrior Zsadist and Bella. Now this is one very complicated relationship, but when they are together, boy are they together, steamy…verrrryyyy steamy.

Zsadists earlier years were of degradation, humiliation, sexual abuse and torture before he was rescued by his twin and fellow warrior Phury and joined the Brotherhood. Zsadist was not the prettiest of men and had an aggressive and frightening manner but he was pure warrior, tall, broad and a real fighting machine.

Bella, Mary’s friend is a vampire and has troubles of her own, a certain Lesser by the name of Mr O kidnaps her and brutalises her. The Brotherhood go out to find her, Zsadist gets to her first and does not let anyone near her. Not understanding his feelings for her he yoyos back and forth, but Bella knows

“For her, he was…the One.”

It takes Bellas slow ministrations to break down the barriers that Zsadist has erected around himself. One night she tells him of her love for him and not to turn her away.

“Come over here, Zsadist” she opens the covers, baring herself to him. “Stop thinking, come to bed.”

Slowly he came to her. Kissing her tenderly never thinking he had it in him. He could smell the bonding aroma coming from him. He kissed her from tip to core.

And the mental block finally came down and he entered her.

“Bella…shit. I’m scared…but can’t…stop.”

But he did and bolted away from her ups and downs as I said but when it is good it is very good.

This is a story of courage as well as deep love. In places it made me cry. I really felt for all the characters in this book. That is why I give this book a resounding 5 stars. You’ve done it again Ms Ward, superb! Book 4 here I come.

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