A huge happy 40th birthday to my blog partner and very good friend, Donna.
To celebrate Donna's birthday I've asked her a few questions for you to get to know her better. We also have a giveaway for you!
So lets get to know Donna ....
What do you do for a living?

What would your dream job be?
Oooo, I have always wanted to be a florist, I have always said if I won the lottery and money was no object I would buy myself a florist and indulge. I would also love to be a CSI type person but I do not have the stomach for it, I would be sick ALL the time. As a serious profession though I would love to work in publishing, after reading all these books and doing beta reads for some authors I would love to do this for a living. I could totally see myself in a publishing house bringing new authors to the world and helping existing ones achieve greatness lol.
Where would you like to visit around the world?
I would love to take the kids to Disney World, we are waiting for them to get a bit older so they can appreciate it. I would love to visit the US for myself too, also Australia, I only started flying in my early 20's as I was too scared, the longest flight I have done is 5 hours so I am getting there.
What is your favourite colour?
Purple is my favourite colour, I LOVE it, our bedroom is purple and lilac, our wedding theme was purple, a lot of my wardrobe is some shade of purple, I am a purpleaholic!!
Favourite memory?
Oooo a toughie, I would have to say the birth of each of our children, they were so special, I didn't think I could have kids so when we were blessed with our first it was a totally momentous occasion and then having Oliver seemed to kick start the system and we had 2 more, so 3 kids in 3 years. Totally hard work, but well worth it. Also our wedding day, we got married in March and the day was just amazing, totally felt like a princess.
Most embarrassing moment?
I was walking backwards talking to a friend across the road, when I turned round to walk forwards, I hit a lamp post and broke my nose! Blood everywhere, but at least I got out of the sponsored walk that day!!
Favourite Song?
Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls - mainly because of Remy, I just adore this song and it usually makes my cry when I listen to it. Before Remy I would have said anything by Elvis or Simon and Garfunkel (I love that genre of music), Madonna and Wham were my teenage years and I more or less know the words to all their songs. I love so many so it is too hard to choose just one.
Favourite Film?
Favourite chick flick has to be Dirty Dancing, I loved the Green Mile and I love the Harry Potter films, also any film with Jason Statham, not that I fancy him lol but he always does a great film.

First book you remember reading?
I would have to say The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe by CS Lewis. I also had a book put in the school library in my name called The House At Pooh Corner when I was in primary school,so I must have read that too. I was pleased as punch as it only happened once a year and was given for outstanding achievement, as you can tell, I was a teachers pet and I LOVED school.
If you could be any book character who would it be?
I would say Evie Claremont from the Premonition Series by Amy Bartol, she is one kick ass Seraphim Angel and I could so put those powers to good use!!
Best birthday present you've ever received?
My son Max, he was actually born the day before mine, but that birthday will always be remembered, the midwives even brought me a huge chocolate cake!!
Which book character would you want to....
Go on a date with?
Christian Grey, just to see if he is as good as he is made out to be, however I would never get in the way between him and Ana so it would be a purely friends kind of thing.
Tough one, I have 2 tied number 1 Book Boyfriends and I can't choose between them, so I would have to name them both. Remy from Real, Mine and Remy by Katy Evans and Colton Donavan from Driven and Fueled by Kristy Bromberg. Two broken and flawed characters but I would love to put them back together again.
Be best friends with?
Stella from By A Thread, Tension and Seamless by RL Griffin. She is one ballsy lady and I could totally see us being best friends. Although I would have to practice drinking as I am a light weight and Stella could drink most men under the table.
Be locked in jail with?
Knight Sebring from Knight by Kristen Ashley, that man has some contacts, I am sure with his know how we wouldn't be in jail for long (is that a good thing or bad thing...hmmmm conflicted ;-))
Be on the run with?
Ellie Wyatt from Karina Halle's The Artists Trilogy would be my choice, she is well versed on being a fugitive and has many cons up her sleeve, she would be able to get us out of any problems.
Be a student of?
Be a student of?
Evan Wilke from Unteachable by Leah Raeder, at the end of the day who wouldn't want to be one of his students. I totally fell in love with his character and this whole book.
Go ghost hunting with?
Reed from The Premonition series by Amy Bartol, he is one kick ass fighter, well trained in fighting all kinds of nasties, with him by my side I will be totally and utterly safe ;-) it also helps that he is extremely FIT!!
Travel the world with?
Go ghost hunting with?
Reed from The Premonition series by Amy Bartol, he is one kick ass fighter, well trained in fighting all kinds of nasties, with him by my side I will be totally and utterly safe ;-) it also helps that he is extremely FIT!!
Travel the world with?
Nora Sutherlin from The Original Sinners Series by Tiffany Reisz, I love this woman, I am sure with her by my side we could end up in all sorts of trouble and no doubt there would never be a dull moment on that trip.
Ok to celebrate Donna's birthday we have a fab giveaway! 11 winners!
1 winner will win a £10 or $15 Amazon Voucher
10 winners will chose one ebook (kindle) from Donna's top reads of the last few months. These were:
Arsen by Mia Asher
Bullet to the Heart by Lea Griffith
Bully or Until You by Penelope Douglas
Fading (or any in series) by EK Blair Fighting
Redemption by Kate McCarthy
Fueled (or any in series) by Kristy Bromberg
Intuition (or any in series) by Amy Bartol
Love Me (or any Jillian Dodd book) by Jillian Dodd
Making Faces by Amy Harmon
More Than This (or any in series) by Jay McLean
Night Owl by M Pierce
Present Perfect by Alison G Bailey
Remember When (or any in series) by T Torrest
Remy (or any in series) by Katy Evans
Rock & Roll Never Forgets (or any in series) by Barbara Stewart
Ruin by Rachel Van Dyken
Seamless (or any in series) by RL Griffin
Second Chances by TA Webb
Seductive Secrecy (or any in series) by Marni Mann
Stripped Bare by Susan MacNicol
Travis (or any Nicole Edwards book) by Nicole Edwards
Unteachable by Leah Raeder
When It Rains by Lisa De Jong
Worth the Fight (or any in series) by LD Davis
Happy Birthday! Thanks for the giveaway
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ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Donna!