Monday 2 December 2013

Review ~ Night Owl by M Pierce

Reviewed by Donna ~ 5 Stars 

“But there’s no such thing as loneliness. There is only the idea of loneliness.”

I had seen so many people ranting about this book and I was jealous…I had it on my TBR but had so many others to read before I could get to it. I avoided reviews like the plague so that I could take my time and make my own opinions. I do think that this is a “marmite” book, you are going to either love it or hate it, but I can honestly say I totally and utterly LOVED it!!

“Matt’s smirks came in flavours – two parts kindness, one part wicked amusement, a little lust in the mix. Oh, and one hundred percent smug bastard.”

Matt, my little Matt, I absolutely loved him, some say he was creepy but I could see deeper. In the beginning he came across as this arrogant, confident, sexy, self-assured guy but there was so much that he was hiding behind his computer screen. He was shy, he was paranoid, he was introverted and he was frightened. He also had a very ugly history. He was brave behind his persona “Night Owl” which is why when he starts his on-line relationship with “Little Bird” he has rules put in place, because he could be a nobody, he was anonymous. They were writing buddies online, he would write a chapter, she would write a chapter, however, he always said, no names, no faces, no sharing of personal information at all.

“You’re right sis, I met this guy named Matt. Online. I know exactly three things about him. He lives in Colorado, he’s an awesome writer, and he gets off talking to scantily clad strangers on the internet. Love at first Skype. Yeah.”

Matt Sky though is M Pierce, a best-selling author of 4 novels. Nobody knows who M Pierce is, his publishers go to great lengths to keep his identity a secret at his request. Anybody that does know his true identity has signed non-disclosure agreements, he takes his identity seriously, he wants to remain that private person. He wants to remain Matt Sky.

Hannah aka Little Bird is so adorable. She has had enough of her shitty life and decides to up sticks and move back home to Colorado, which coincidentally is where Matt Sky lives. She is confident, she is sexy and also very clever. During their times of writing online they have brokered quite the friendship and Hannah has always stuck to his rules of remaining anonymous. However, one day, totally by accident she reveals her name with a small pic. Matt only gets the smallest of glimpses, but it is enough, he is fixated, he is besotted. He shouldn’t be but he cannot help himself, he has to have her, she invades his thoughts 24/7, he becomes obsessed, the trouble is, the feeling is mutual. With Hannah’s imminent arrival in Colorado they waste no time in meeting up and once they do…OMG!! What a relationship these two embark on!! Seriously HOT, seriously SMOKING and totally and utterly adorable.

“…I wouldn’t be gentle Hannah. I would force your legs apart and finger you like I owned you.”

“Best sex of my life: bent over a desk and belted. Who would have thought?”

“Oh god…” I told her that I was coming. I told her to come on my dick. I almost told her I loved her. Sex is the damndest thing.” 

There is a bit of cheating going on I will warn you, as I know that this is a no no for some, but it is quickly dealt with. These two are adventurous, kinky, nymphomaniacs. We have a lot of public sex, private sex, we have vanilla sex, we have kinky sex, we have spanking, we have loving, but we get it all, in spades! But this is a relationship built on a foundation of lies and deception, once this comes out, will what they have be enough?

I will say though, this book is not all about the sex, it has a plot that will keep you reading from the first till last page. It sucks you in and does not let you go till the end. It is highly emotional, extremely provocative and thought provoking. You cannot help but be sucked in by this story. To see what Matt goes through during this book was heart breaking. I did get extremely emotional and was just glad that he had the excellent support network he did.

You could tell that Matt and Hannah loved each other completely, even if it did take them an age to finally admit it. The way that he spoke to her through words and his stories was beautiful. I could not put this book down.

“Always, Matt, always speaking to me from any mouth but your own. Don’t you know that I love you? I see you under all your lies, and I always find you.”

The epilogue is just WOW, totally and utterly WOW. I have my own thoughts and opinions with regards to this and am hoping that what I have mulling over is right.

For a first book, I thought this was brilliant, totally different, original and completely engaging. I cannot wait to see where this trilogy is going. I need more…and soon.

“Art is not an assembly of accidents. You have to master the rules before you break them.”

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