Book Description:

She found him on a snowy night. He sparked her desires and inflamed her dreams.
Independent and feisty, Shea Madison has a tussle on her hands. Living in and loving her quiet little corner of Montana, she’s fiercely determined to fight a real estate developer trying to turn her quaint little mountain town into a touristy ski resort. So, when an outsider shows up to study the effects on the area, she instantly attempts to sway his impression… even if it means a little harmless flirting with the enticing visitor.
Rhys Weland’s charade has one purpose—to bring the locals around to the idea of the resort, primarily the ringleader, Ms. Shea Madison. Embroiled in his deception, he’s stunned by the feelings she draws from deep inside him. Her integrity and sincerity quickly have him second-guessing his twisted morals. Her spirit arouses his soul. Her sensuality steals his breath.
In the dark of the night, in the warmth of the fire, the passion smoldering between them combusts. But just when it all seems to make sense, one small stubborn mistake shreds the fragile bond between them. Will an impetuous act reignite their flame, or will their love vanish like sparks in the air?
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Excerpt from Chapter 9 – The Visitor
The crunch of tires in the deep snow outside could faintly be heard through the heavy cabin walls, and she followed Wolfie to see who was there.
No, shit.
Really… shit.
Her play of emotions duked it out as she tried to decide just how she should feel about him being there. Wondering why he was there. Angry at the confusion that he wrought. A little excited by the thought of his splendid manliness standing in her little cabin again.
In the clear, bright moonlight that shone over the white terrain, she saw him climb out of his rental Jeep. A moment later, he climbed the steps to her porch, and a quick heavy knock sounded at her door. Shea’s first instinct was to pretend she wasn’t home. But, really… her truck was there. Her lights were on. He’d know that was bullshit in a second.
Crossing over to the door, she quickly looked down at her worn, faded jeans and light, clingy beige sweater. At least she had showered today, although she wasn’t terribly presentable with her hair up in a messy bun. Not that she cared what he thought, though.
Really… she didn’t.
Shea ripped the clip out that held her hair up off her neck, and the still slightly damp tendrils fell around her shoulders. She dropped it on the radio by the entrance and reached for the doorknob, mentally preparing herself to be cool. But as she opened the door, she almost moaned at the sight of him before her.
Fuck. Why did he have to be so God-damned good-looking? In the last two days, his stubble had grown thicker along his jaw, and he looked really rugged and… hot. Her body craved him, and the desire made her feel angry and defensive, Shea narrowed her eyes at him.
“Rhys, what the fuck are you doing here?” she asked.
He smiled at her less-than-enthusiastic greeting. “I see absence does not make the heart grow fonder after all, huh, sweetheart?” he asked as Wolfie nuzzled his hand, apparently not terribly upset by their company.
“I’m sorry, I just… I’m not used to having people just show up anyway, and for you to… It’s just a bit of a surprise, that’s all.”
“Can I come in?” he asked. “I just wanted to check on you, to see how you were doing because I hadn’t seen you in town for a few days.”
Shea stood back, opening the door wider to allow him in. He crossed through the doorway and unbuttoned his coat. Shea held the door open for another moment as Wolfie peered into the night before stepping out to explore. Shea shut the door behind him.
“I’ve been working,” she said quietly. “Trying to get caught up after all the excitement earlier this week, you know.”
“Excitement?” Rhys laughed as he pulled the coat from his wide, broad, beautiful… Stop it, Shea! “What kind of excitement? Oh, wait, you mean having a stranger in town,” he chuckled.
“Rhys, Snowcreek is kind of the end of the road. We don’t really get people here that are passing through.” Shea took his coat and hung it on a hook by the door as Rhys bent down to remove his snow-caked boots. “So, yeah, someone new just shows up out of the blue, and it generates a little discussion. And the meeting the other day and everything, it just all got me completely off schedule with my transcription.”
Rhys kicked off his last boot and stood, walking over to her. Looming above her, actually, causing a thrill to run down her center. “Do you want me to leave? Or did you get caught up?” he asked, the dim light of the room casting slight shadows that played up the angle of his cheek.
Shea should tell him to leave. She should tell him she was behind and had to work.
But she didn’t. Instead, she ducked around him, stepping in a clump of melting snow that completely soaked through her socks and chilled her skin. Goosebumps rose all over her body. Every sensation seemed to be amplified when he was around.
“No,” she said, kicking herself the whole time, “I actually just kinda typed nonstop for the last day or two, and I’ve made up ground. I’ve even gotten a little ahead.” She crossed over to the fireplace and sat on the edge of the couch closest to its heat. She reached down and pulled off the cold, wet socks. Using every acting skill she possessed, she did her best to appear unbothered by his appearance. “So, what’s up? Why the impromptu visit?” She laid the wet socks on the edge of the hearth to dry and turned to watch Rhys casually amble to the other end of the couch and sprawl out to soak in the heat of the fire.
“Just what I said. I hadn’t seen you in a few days. I was just wondering how you were doing. I’ve been, um… thinking about you.”
Her eyes flew up to meet his, caught in the blue depths. He was making it somewhat difficult, with his ever-so-soft-looking thermal shirt, ruffled and messy hair, shadowy unshaved jaw. And there was an intensity in his eyes as he looked over at her that instantly made her drop her gaze to where her hands sat in her lap. She instantly noticed that the v-neck to her sweater had dipped low, showing off a bit more of the curves of her breasts than she had realized.
Her eyes darted back to his and saw the heat reflecting from the fire dancing off them, giving him a devilish appearance. Yes, she most definitely should have told him she was busy… she should have made him leave. Without a doubt.
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About the Author:

Music is her emotional trigger. Growing up with a Wagnarian-loving mother, Sibylla was raised to treasure music that digs deep into the psyche, drawing out elation, sorrow, grief, desire. The soundtrack to her life includes many genres spanning centuries. She looooooooves Thirty Seconds to Mars (rather obsessively, actually... but, really, how can you NOT be crazy about this guy!? Jared Leto. Shhh. ) & pimps them out to all her friends through Spotify. She also delights in Met Opera HD broadcasts at her local movie theater & hopes (listening Met?) to someday see Diana Damrau reprise her role as Mozart’s Queen of the Night in Die Zauberflöte.
Sibylla lives with her husband and hero who saved her from her own calamitous, young-adult self. He makes her laugh daily, even when things are tough. He's proved to her that love really can heal a shattered soul. In 18 years, they have never had a fight, although argue regularly with their two teenage kids who have, unfortunately, inherited their father’s quick wit (unfortunate as it is a quick wit that Sibylla, herself, definitely does not possess – there is a reason she is a writer & not a stand-up comedian). They live a quiet life with their two weird little rescued Chiweenies. Wait… teenagers & little yap-dogs? OK, maybe not so quiet.
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Each blog on this tour has a teaser pic. In each one of those teaser pics there is a letter that is different. There are four pictures in total that spell a four letter word. Figure out that word and type in the answer in the Giveaway/Rafflecopter. To get a tour schedule for the day go to each day for the blog tour stops. The Prize? A signed Paperback from Sibylla Matilde herself.
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