Thursday 20 February 2014

Vote Keatyn – Sweetheart Smackdown.

Vote Keatyn – Sweetheart Smackdown.

Final Four



Keatyn is now in the final four in the Sweetheart Smackdown, and the KC Addicts are going crazy! WE ARE SO HAPPY!

This time we are going to share some of our favorite moments and quotes from the Keatyn Chronicles. Enjoy!


Keatyn has just started at a new school, and like any other person, she´s actually really nervous. We think this is the first time Keatyn shows a weakness.

She's getting to know a couple guys from orientation and making friends at her new school, but when they walk past a group of guys playing soccer, she runs down the hill, steals the ball, and kicks it straight into the goal.

Everyone is shocked.

Along with Keatyn, we hold our breath – maybe this wasn´t the best idea. Is it too late to change schools?

She didn't need to worry though, people thought it was really cool.

We love this scene, because when she ran towards the ball (in a dress and cowboy boots, no less) it showed that she no longer cares what people think of her. She's grown up a little.

And she taught us that taking chances is sometimes the best decision ever.


We love this quote because it sums up the series, which is Keatyn's journey. Keatyn is growing throughout the books - from the first book where she wishes she could be someone else, but really just needs to learn to be herself to discovering what true love is, to ultimately learning to love herself.

Even though we sometimes want to strangle her for the choices she makes, we understand that she's learning and growing through these choices and this journey helps her get to her final destination.

With every step, she shows growth. She finally understands - that's our favorite moment, because we know she's heading in the right direction. "It's not where you've been that matters, but where you end up that does."

Keatyn is our favorite heroine, and we hope that you will vote for her again.

Please vote and share the competition with your friends and family.

If you’re just meeting Keatyn, we appreciate your consideration of her Sweetheart qualities and your vote.

(And did you know the first book, The Keatyn Chronicles: Stalk Me, is FREE right now?)

Below is the raffle copter link.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Sweetheart of the Smackdown IS Keatyn Douglas Monroe.

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