This story is about a werefox and a werebear based in a paranormal town called Jamesburg. The werefox goes by the name of Violet who has a supercharged
sex drive and can get a bit overexcited at times which her friend Henrietta tries to rein in at times. Strange disappearances have been happening in and around Jamesburg of young girls which is leaving the police baffled and making everyone careful not to
be on their own.
While this is going on, a roving cage fighting carney comes to town and a friend of both Violet and Henrietta named Lex persuades the girls to go to the fights as he had a cousin, a werebear called Crag fighting in these matches. Both girls were looking forward to going, and that was when Violet first saw Crag in all his glory and seeing Violet was into bears big time it was WOW, her fantasies was coming alive at the sight of him.
Unbeknown to Violet, Henrietta and Lex had arranged for Crag to come back to Lex’s house to meet Violet. All that went through her mind was
" I cant believe I’m doing this".
but it was words that she never regretted. When Crag arrived at the house Violet nearly hyperventilated and the attraction between them went to hot hot hot. A date was set for the following day, and what a date it turned out to be, with him rolling up at the door on the biggest motorbike Violet has ever seen, with him looking at her with the biggest brown eyes, rough stubble on his jaw and tattoos Violet was lost and it only got better with them making the sweetest love imaginable.
I chewed my lip, trying to push my pleasure, my ecstasy, back for one more second. " Yes," I whispered. " It feels real."
He let out a half groaning roar and squeezed my ass, driving against me one last time.
" Then it is," he said.
The tension between my legs exploded in a wave of heat that came from my centre and went out in every direction, thrilling me all the way to my fingertips. I was quivering, trembling, shaking ... and hadn't ever felt so good in my entire life.
All Violet could think of was that he had to leave in the morning.
Violet missed him badly, but Crag surprised her by managing to slip away from the carney and travel back to see her and then they had another unbelievable night together.
My fox senses were kicking over making everything feel more intense, more unbelievable.
" I've never had this happen before, " I whispered. " I feel so...so..."
" Right?" he asked, thrusting his hips upward. " I cant... I’m almost there, Violet," he said in a raspy voice.
Oh yes, and then he was gone again, utter hell, utter loneliness and longing for a week and a half, but now I'm seeing him tonight, and then he rang me and I was jello.
Crag could only think of Violet and how good she made him feel. It was time for those life changes he had promised himself she was the urge that he needed to make it
happen, but he had old business he had to do first concerning his boss, before any of this could become a reality.
I loved this story. It had a simplicity and endearing love story and I loved the sexy bits to. I read this in one go. Well done Ms Red will certainly be reading more of your books.
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