This is the first book in I’m sure what will be a superb series. It’s a great story and I loved it. It starts with an attack on a young woman whose name is Frankie. She is a journalist by day and a bus girl at night working in a nightclub with her cousin Betty Sue whom she also lives with. It was while working at the club that this story begins.
While cleaning tables she becomes aware of a very good looking man at the bar staring at her, not having a very high self-esteem she dismissed him thinking to herself that he couldn't be interested in her and while looking around the club she notices a creepy looking guy scanning the room which sent shudders down her body just by looking at him. Frankie makes her way back to the kitchen intent on twisting her friend Juan who works there to sort out some scraps so that she can go out back and feed a stray cat that she has befriended and while out there was when she was attacked by the creepy guy who she noticed earlier and that's when her life went into the surreal.
Starting with waking up in the morgue OMG!
Looking around she sees Betty Sue, Juan and the doctor all with shocked faces none more than what she was certainly feeling. What the hell…and this is where her new life begins.
This story is witty and erotic especially when the very handsome Nicholas Hamilton, who happens to be a vampire, comes into her life.
"Why did you kiss me?" I asked, breathless.
"I've wanted to do that for a very long time,"
Did you not like it?"
"I .... I loved it. That's not the point," I said.
This relationship does start on shaky ground.
Feeling the need to flee as Frankie did not know what was going on with herself, she turns to a friend Aphrodite to take her for a while until she can sort herself out.
While she was there she had the most amazing erotic dream with Nicholas in it and boy did it turn her on…wow!!
He even put her at her ease about her size
“You are the perfect woman, Frankie. You know, where I come
from, in the time that I grew up, larger women were admired.
These skinny, skeletal women in all the fashion magazines look
like victims of a famine.”
and the sex oh. Dream sex was the best.
Frankie’s journey has twists and turns but her stubbornness helps and well so does the fantastic sex in between. The changes she has to go through will want you to quickly get to the end to see how she copes with it all.
A really great read. I loved the witticism and repartee in it and I had to keep turning the pages as quick as I could.
Ms Georgette St Clair I LOVED IT.
Buy Links:
Amazon: http://amzn.to/V1cEjZ
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1ouepwJ
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