As part of the blog tour we have our review, an excerpt, an ebook giveaway and a Tour wide giveaway you won't want to miss!
Leo's Chance is book two in the Sign of Love series by Mia Sheridan.
Does everyone deserve a second chance? Even someone who lies and deceives to get it?
Do we all have a second chance coming? Even if we play a part in our own destruction?
How hard would you fight to have a second chance at love? A second chance at life? Another chance to tell your own story?
Every love story has two sides. Evie told hers. This time it's Leo's chance.

Do we all have a second chance coming? Even if we play a part in our own destruction?
How hard would you fight to have a second chance at love? A second chance at life? Another chance to tell your own story?
Every love story has two sides. Evie told hers. This time it's Leo's chance.

**ARC Received for honest review**
Reviewed by Dawn & Donna ~ 5 Stars
What Dawn says:
I'm always scared to read the same book from a different POV, I've been burnt in the past, especially from the guys POV but I loved Leo and I love Mia's writing so I was excited to read this. And I'm so glad I did.
And what made that clear to me was his conversations with Dr Fox not only his psychologist but obviously a guy who cares about him a lot. There is a part in the book that I wanted to shake his hand and say "thank you, for doing that" cause it was something Leo wanted to do but could find it in himself to do. I think this is a break through point for him where he realises he is actually worth caring for, and people actually do care about him even when they know his past, who he was, what happened to him and the scar and daemons he still carries from it all.
I'm always scared to read the same book from a different POV, I've been burnt in the past, especially from the guys POV but I loved Leo and I love Mia's writing so I was excited to read this. And I'm so glad I did.
I loved how once again she went from past to present and we
got to see why he did what he did to Evie all those years ago. I feel better
now I know more from his side and I understand his true emotions better.
Even at the end of Leo I thought...deep down if he wanted
out he could have just left. Right??
And what made that clear to me was his conversations with Dr Fox not only his psychologist but obviously a guy who cares about him a lot. There is a part in the book that I wanted to shake his hand and say "thank you, for doing that" cause it was something Leo wanted to do but could find it in himself to do. I think this is a break through point for him where he realises he is actually worth caring for, and people actually do care about him even when they know his past, who he was, what happened to him and the scar and daemons he still carries from it all.
All the lying he did in the start of Leo didn't sit well
with me but I forgive him now and I see how much he struggled with it, he
wanted to tell her but he was scared of the rejection he could face and losing
her all over again after getting her back.
"I'm a worthless coward who
took what I wanted. And I wanted her, and I thought that was the only way I
could keep her from leaving. I panicked and lied, and now…. I know I have to
tell her but I'm so fucking scared."
I felt more emotion in this one too. I cried A LOT
(I was blubbering) the emotions for Leo are so raw in this book as we watch him
heel and open up to Dr Fox there was one scene in the hospital where my heart
broke for him then when he has to tell Evie the whole story that was so
emotional I couldn't see my kindle for a fair bit of this book.
But I was also happy a lot too. As well as getting inside
Leo's head for the horrible raw emotions we are also there for the good stuff I
loved too, like the worlds greatest ice-cream, mint and the t-shirt I think I
laughed more at that this time.
And being in his head for the sex scenes is just WOW
it's H O T!!!
Having read the first book and in my review saying I wanted
more of their future together I was ecstatic when I got to the epilogue and we
go so much more than I expected.
If anyone deserved a beautiful HEA it was these two right
My favourite lines from the book are in this one too.
"Why are you looking at me?"
she asks.
I know what she wants from me though so I give it to
her "Because I like your face."
I will definitely be buying anything Mia writes she is a
talented and amazing writer and I highly highly recommend you to go out buy
this and devour it like I did.
"Despite all the pain that we had endured to be
where we are, in the end, love won."
If you have read Leo what are you waiting for get reading
If you haven't read it now then read this. Both fabulous
books you can find my review of Leo here
What Donna says:
Just a
reminder that this is Leo (Mia’s first book in this series) told from Leo’s
POV, so therefore you need to have read this first for this book to have any
meaning. Leo was always going to be a hard act to follow as it was a gorgeous
book, but Mia outdid herself with this one. I always thought it would be
extremely difficult for a woman to write a man’s POV and some authors have
tried and miserably failed, but this author is not one of them.
Just like
the first book, the writing style pulled you in and the writing just flowed and
flowed, it is very easy to read. Even though I knew what was going to happen it
did not detract from the story as you were seeing it through a totally
different perspective. I loved the way that the book went from past to present,
it helped a great deal in understanding Leo, I don’t think that anybody truly
appreciated what he went through in Leo, but this book brings it all out into
the open all the good, bad and the ugly and it could get pretty ugly.
Leo had
gone through a lot of abuse at the hands of his step mother and he had
internalized a lot of the blame for this. He somehow felt that it was his fault
and he should harbour some of the guilt because of the way his body had reacted
to her. His shrink in the hospital was amazing and such a fab character and I
was so glad that he had managed to try and break through Leo’s walls to get him
to understand how his step mother had operated. It was also really good to read
how he had ensured he did not taint his step fathers memory and had thrown
himself 100% into the company as a way of trying to make up for all the wrongs
he perceived he had made. I believe deep down he knew that his step father had
shouldered a lot of guilt for what happened to Leo and that is probably what
ultimately caused his demise.
I loved
the way that Mia Sheridan managed to make me love Leo even more than I did
before. He was always her protector and yet we never truly appreciated the
depth of his feelings. The mental torture he puts himself through in this book,
trying to weigh up the pros and cons of what he is doing, whether it was fair
on Evie what he was doing. Agonising over revealing his true identity, the love
he had for her that just oozed out of the pages. I was anxiously awaiting the
tattoo reveal and was dreading it, especially knowing what was going to
happen…but his torment was crushing…you could tell he truly loved her and it
was heart breaking to read. I loved the way we were also shown his agony when
he first moved away and the reasons behind him not keeping in touch, it helped
to understand so much better.
I am a
sucker for an epilogue and this book did not disappoint, I was soooo happy, and
we got extra scenes. The epilogue was told from Evie’s POV which was a lovely
touch. I loved that the steam level in this book was hotter than the first,
this really added to the intensity of Leo’s feelings. Reliving the popping of
the V was emotional especially when he realised she had saved herself for him.
All in
all I love this series and this was a brilliant addition and I am so glad that
we got to experience this story from both sides of the coin.
Loved it!!

Win an ecopy of Leo's Chance by Mia Sheridan
Mia also has this amazing tour wide giveaway going on!
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