Consider my mind blown, my jaw dropped and witness my head banging on my desk. OMG!!! I pulled an all-nighter reading this one, I have another blogger friend that has very similar tastes to me and she told me to read this!! It is when she does this that I know I will not be getting any sleep, she knows me too well. Well I opened the book and I read and read and read.
This is not really a romance per se, but more a murder mystery based around a love story. This book is all-consuming; it will take over your mind, body and soul. Abigail Haas has written this in such a way that you cannot help but feel you are there and you are watching this whole sorry story play out before your eyes. Between the haunting flashbacks and the courtroom drama this book will have you itching to read quicker just so that you can find out “whodunit!”
To celebrate the end of school a gang of friends decide to go on holiday, their last bit of freedom before University. They go away with the intention to party hard, live life to the full, drink lots, have loads of sex and just have a great time. Anna and Tate are a couple and were part of the group that went away and Elise is Anna’s best friend. One day they discover Elise murdered in her bed and Anna and Tate become the lead suspects.
Abigail Haas leaves trails of breadcrumbs everywhere, trails that I gobbled up quickly and meticulously only to be led down another dead end. Just when you think that you have it all figured out the next page will have you knocking at another door, then the next page will have you rethinking all over again. It was like whiplash!! I had theories on theories on theories; alas none of them were right. I am not the best at figuring these things out, but this one had me truly flummoxed. When all was finally revealed I was shocked, I never saw it coming.
“They both left me here alone.”
I would love to go into details but I can’t it would spoil it too much but if you want a compelling read and you love all that law and order stuff, courtroom drama and have secret aspirations to be a super sleuth in life, then this is the book for you. If you appreciate a well written, suspenseful, intriguing book then this is also the book for you. This book has it all, the suspense, the intrigue, betrayals and the drama. I empathised, I sympathised, I hated, I loved, I cried, I ran a whole gamut of emotions; I was emotionally spent by the end. My brain was frazzled but more importantly I was like… “That was bloody clever, really bloody clever!”
“The curtain’s down now, but I won’t forget so easily…”
Buy Links:
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1z1ZTpq
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1tYUQzN
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